Norton Family Parental Control 7 for Android is now available!

[Update on 10 FebruaryNorton Family Parental Control has been released for Android customers. 

This build contains:

  • Engineering enhancements
  • Defect fixes ]

We are happy to announce that Norton Family Parental Control 7 for Android is now available.

1. What is the version number of this build?

Norton Family Parental Control for Android

2. What are the changes in this build?

  • Customers will see an option Report an Issue to gather debug logs and send email to Norton Support.
  • Engineering enhancements
  • Defect fixes


3. How can I download the app?

Visit the Google Play app store to download Norton Parental Control app.

4. Where can I post my queries?

See Complete System Requirements & Product and Feature Availability.

Please post your queries in the Norton Family | Parental Control board.