Norton Family Time Limits

Can you assign different time limits to your child's devices? 

My son has a laptop and is allowed to use the family desktop as well.  So, for example he's given 4 hours total a day ( 2 hour time limit X 2 devices).  But in reality, I want him to use his laptop for 1.5 hours a day and the desktop for only 30 min. for a total of 2 hours/day.

Thank you for any advice on this.

Hi @Nate M.

Yes, you can have different time limits set for each device. You can adjust time limits per device by following this help link.

Norton Family Team

Hi @Nate M.,

Thanks for reaching out to Norton Family forum.

Norton Family time monitoring is at device level as of today. We would however pass this request of child level time monitoring to our product management team.

Norton Family Team