Norton File Insight Not Triggered

When downloading exe files, Norton File Insight would previously automatically scan these files and report if they are safe. I have just noticed that this is now not the case. I have tried downloading several exe files, but Norton File Insight isn’t triggered.

Is this a known bug or perhaps an issue with my installation?


Norton 360 v22.x or v24.x?
What version #?

as test: downloaded know safe files
Download Insight was quiet.

May be bug with

I’m gonna restart machine and test, again.

Norton 360

Forgot to add, I rebooted my PC and tested again. Still no trigger when downloading exe files.

Yeah…my Norton 360 - Download Insight is quiet when downloading exe files. May be bug with
Maybe, I clicked Don’t Show Me Again…by mistake.

Guess, I need to reinstall Norton 360 and test.

Be interesting to see if a reinstall works.

I have definitely never clicked “Don’t Show Me Again”. I didn’t even know that was an option until your screenshot. Wonder if there’s an option to clear this setting in the event one changes their mind.

The last time I downloaded an exe file and Insight worked was the 27th of last month.


No…unfortunately there is no reverse. That’s why I needed to reinstall…to eliminate that I may have opted Don’t Show Me Again when I meant to opt X.

So, after N360 reinstall and three machine restarts. I still have Auto-Protect grayed and Download Insight does not notify. So, I’ll be trying to figure out what has Auto-Protect grayed and then I’ll see if Download Insight behaves.

Download Insight appears to be working…albeit, Download Insight (Status update) does not appear to be working? head scratch

~ and my Auto-Protect remains grayed - more head scratch

Thanks for testing.

I have just tried on my laptop, which recently had a fresh install of Windows 10 and Norton 360, but the problem is the same on that machine.

File Insight works fine when manually invoked (right-click file > Norton 360 > File Insight)

My Auto-Protect is not greyed out.

Okay then…I’m convinced Download Insight not reporting is “bug”…until we hear otherwise.
~ my Auto-Protect remains grayed…so, I’ll head scratch over my grayed.
Lets see if we can get @peterweb or @SoulAsylum to test Download Insight Notifications.
I was downloading CCleaner builds…as test.

Agreed. Might also be useful if someone can test on a previous version, if possible.

Well I’m not much help here. I downloaded the same ccsetup that bjm_ downloaded and got no notification at the bottom right. It did show in the Norton History under Download Insight. I also found multiple other downloads in the History that I do not remember getting any messages about.

Maybe Norton has listened to many users complaining about too many notifications and will only notify if there is an issue with a download???

Well, I’ve reinstalled N360 v22.24.7.8 three times and still no Download Insight Notification…which is enabled.

From memory, there are (or used to be) anti-virus test files that are harmless but are used to test detection. Wonder if downloading one of these would indeed trigger a notification.

Well it was worth a try. I checked that setting and it was not set to always. I changed it to Always and downloaded another file and still no notification.

Looks like we need to escalate this. I’ll do this now.

You can test from here… . I just tested and did get a Norton notification for the two .zip files.

I downloaded the eicar test zip file and got the expected alerts.


and what results with downloading CCleaner builds??

No alerts during download. An after download insight scan shows what is below. Nothing abnormal as it was a trusted file.

Edited: Additional history logging


Yeah, we’re wondering what happened to Download Insight Notifications aka Status update
for example: