Hi, not sure when this started happening, but it seems to have been doing this for at least a week or so...
I've narrowed it down to Norton Firewall being the problem. Very odd behavior. But as soon as I deactivate Norton Firewall problem goes away. Reactivate problem comes back.
It appears that whenever I install an update to a program. For example, I updated FileZilla (https://filezilla-project.org/) an extremely popular program. Filezilla would not connect to the internet. About 10 minutes later, it started working again. Then I update Nero... Now it won't connect... but 10 minutes or so later... no problems... I updated Google Chrome... and low and behold... DNS is not resolving... weird??? So I check all DNS settings, everything is correct... I disable my VPN, same problems... I disconnect and reconnect... same problems... I even try to use Google DNS and Cloudflare DNS --- SAME problems... I'm thinking what the heck... why won't this work, it's as if something is blocking access to the DNS on any NEW program... Wait a second... disable firewall.... BOOM everything connects. Re-enable firewall... everything is blocked...
But, if I wait about 10 minutes after my first attempt to use the software AFTER an update... SO, if I update 3 days ago... and then I attempt to use the software... I have to wait about 10 minutes. THEN, it'll work fine again.
Since disabling the Norton Firewall during those 10 minutes seems to fix it... I've come to the conclusion it's Norton.
Norton is fully updated... Norton 360 v.
As I went in to get the version number, I note that Norton's interface is VERY sluggish... and it crashed one time... The window disappeared and then the Norton icon in the systray disappeared.. It reloaded and I tried again... but selecting Open Norton 360 resulted in a black box appearing on the screen for several seconds then the interface showed up... and it let me get to the version info. this time....
I'm using Windows 10 fully updated - Build 19041.vb_release.191206-1406 on HP Zbook G5 Studio Mobile Workstation - so I highly doubt it's a computer performance issue. Computer is reporting using a clock speed of 3.9 Ghz with only apx 5-10 % processing load... 8 GB RAM out of 16 GB...
Any ideas?
OK, I've noted the following.. it appears that Norton is determining that its ok to allow the programs through... BUT it doesn't update the firewall rules for several minutes. Looking at my logs...
Info You allowed _____ to access your network resources. Allowed 10:26:31 AM
Info Firewall Rules updated Detected 10:29:42 AM
So, it makes the proper determination but for some reason doesn't actually update the firewall rules until several minutes later... what the heck... it's really really annoying...
OK, finally was able to reproduce this and get the NortonMAT tool loaded before it resolved itself... Hope these logs help...
Thanks. I’ll send logs next time it happens.
Hi @maxsverdlove,
I have sent you a private message requesting additional information. Could you please check your inbox when you get a chance? Thanks.
I did a full uninstall/reinstall using the Norton Removal and Reinstall tool. Took close to 3 hours to finally get my computer back up and running again. For some reason the reinstall of Norton ran at a crawl until it finally started working normally again. I ran all LiveUpdate and also reset up all my settings, etc. It did remove ALL programs from its list and started to load them one at a time. HOWEVER, as it did before the "Advanced Program Control" is not letting DNS requests through for several minutes. At least if I turn it off, I can manually let them through and then re-enable... because as soon as I turn off the automatic approval and require manual approval, it immediately gives me the request to approve. I approve and all is fine for that program. But now it's loading each program one at a time. There's some sort of bug.... It's not auto-approving DNS requests. It appears to be only DNS requests on ports 53 and 5353, mostly UDP, but some TCP requests. But it appears the only thing it isn't letting through is DNS... Or possibly, it could be that the program is requesting the DNS first so that's what it needs to unblock first. I guess it would only not request DNS first if it was trying to connect to a specific IP, so that does make sense. Again, a full removal and reinstall resulted in the same problem. However, I will say the interface is much more snappy now...
First suggestion is to run LiveUpdate manually a few times, restarting as necessary, until no updates are available? Then restart again. Restarting, not shutdown and startup again if you have Windows Fast Startup feature enabled. If you use Windows 8/8.1 or 10, there can be an issue with the Windows Fast Startup feature.. See more information here.
Second suggestion is to reset the firewall. To reset the Norton firewall, from the main Norton Security screen click on Settings - Firewall. On the General tab, click on Reset beside Firewall Reset. Restart your computer. As you use programs that access your network/internet, the firewall rules will be created again.

OK, it's definitely Norton. I disabled Automatic Program Control.. Immediately a million legitimate programs are asking to access Port 53 to get to the DNS server. It's blocking them for literally no reason and then not unblocking for several minutes... Why????? I've had Norton products for well over 10 years without this issue..