Norton Ghost 10 - Insufficient System Resources Error EBAB03F1


I have Ghost 10 running on Windows XP. I had no problems performing full backups of my C drive to my external USB drive in the past until my latest full back up.I don't use incremental backups and only full one time backups.  I keep getting an error message at the very end when it is just about to finish about Ghost being unable to create recovery points and unable to write to a file, and insufficient system resources to  complete the requested service:


"Description: Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: Total Backup of C:\. Error E7D1001F: Unable to write to file. Error EBAB03F1: Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service.
Details: 0xE7D1001F"


I have looked over the postings in this forum and from Symantec notices and have perfomed these recommneded actions without any success:


1. Disconnecting all my USB drives except for the the target USB backup drive.

2. Choose the option "Ignore Bad Secorrs During Copy"

3. In Services,   Norton Ghost (Automatic and Started)  exist, but Symantec SymSnap VSS Provider and SymSnap Service do not exist as services. I unistalled Ghost (via Add/Remove) and reinstalled it and yet both SymSnap components cannot be found. Perhaps these components are not supported in Ghost 10 ?


I was wondering if anyone can provide some suggestions on what to do next? Thanks.

