I want to restore image to F: disk (name in OS) disk. I use Norton Ghost 11.5 (32):
Ghost32.exe -clone,mode=restore,src="E:\Softs\GhostWin7x86.GHO",dst=@OS:F:
But error: Distination Disk invalid (I think wrong at "@OS:F:)
Please help me!
I want to restore image to F: disk (name in OS) disk. I use Norton Ghost 11.5 (32):
Ghost32.exe -clone,mode=restore,src="E:\Softs\GhostWin7x86.GHO",dst=@OS:F:
But error: Distination Disk invalid (I think wrong at "@OS:F:)
Please help me!
If I remember correctly, destination is always Drive number : Partition number seperated with a colon :
For instance:
dst=2:1 would make the destination the second hard drive, first partition.
dest=1:1 would be first hard drive first partition.
When restoring a "whole disk" image rather than a partition you only need the drive number
dest=1 would restore the whole disk image onto the first hard drive regardless of how many partitions are in that image.
Just note that Ghost uses 1 for the first hard drive and that is technically wrong, windows uses HD0 as the first hard drive and Ghost uses 1.
I think I have some bookmarks for the switches but it's on my system at work and I will not be there until tomarrow.
Make it easy for yourself. Run ghost32.exe from a WinPE. Use the GUI, not the command line.
I use command line to write a simple program. I read command help of Norton Ghost and see dst=@OS:Drive Letter. Can you explain about it?
Check page 544 of the Ghost Implementation Guide. (In the documentation folder of GSS 2.5).
Thats used for recovery in windows of an operating system to a mounted volume.
The "drive letter" is a variable, the rest does not change.
the example given is:
DST=@OS:D restores a partition to the mounted volume D:\.
edit- your example in the first post has an extra trailing :
You also would need an existing partition with the letter F
DaveH wrote:Check page 544 of the Ghost Implementation Guide. (In the documentation folder of GSS 2.5).
Thats used for recovery in windows of an operating system to a mounted volume.
The "drive letter" is a variable, the rest does not change.
the example given is:
DST=@OS:D restores a partition to the mounted volume D:\.
edit- your example in the first post has an extra trailing :
You also would need an existing partition with the letter F
Thank you but still error. I tried many ways. It's successful when use ghost32 with Gui direct.
Are you running ghost32.exe from within Win7? To restore Win7?
No I tried with F: (partition existing)
I suggest you restore from a WinPE and change your command line. Avoid drive letters. Here is one that worked for me...
ghost32 -clone,mode=prestore,src=2:2\ghost.gho:1,dst=1:1 -fx -sure
I tried with Windows 7 PE. It's no successful.
Oh of couse, I know the way to use DST=4.1. But I know that Norton Ghost 11 suppost use OS name disk letter. Excuse me but are you in Symatec Group created this program? I want to know reason why we can not use @OS:name of disk letter parameter.
In that last post, both of your screenshots show the source image on the F drive, of course you can't use the F drive as both the source and destination.
The destination 4:1 is obviously not the F drive or it would not be restoring.
In post #8 you show the error file getting dumped to the E drive and that looks like the same path as the source used in the last post.
I also agree with Brian, drive letters only exist in windows so it makes more sence to go by drive letters and partition numbers so that the same command line will work regardless of where it is being run from.
To answer your last question, no we are not Symantec employees. I was just trying to answer your question.
This is actually the Norton forum for consumer products.
If you want support for that version of Ghost it's actually handled in the Symantec forum.
Look under "endpoint management" for Ghost Solution Suite.
In my last post (message 10), I reboot in Windows 7 PE (you see screen is difference), so Destination disk is now G: (F: before). It's mean G = 4.1. Source image file located in F: disk.
In Message 8, I double click at ghost.bat (you can see content of ghost.bat in picture): source disk is E:, destination disk is F
(We temporary call "disk" but we know they are "partition")
You are so kind and thank for your help. I do not understand why nobody help us.
Oh my God, I found the reason:
This is correct:
ghost32 -clone,mode=prestore,src="G:\ghost.gho:1",dst=@OS:F:1 -fx -sure
The first: we must use prestore (file to partition)
The second: we must define 1 (partion 1)