Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
Searching the Symantec Knowledge base, I found the following article:
Please let me know if this helps to resolve the problem for you. Thanks!
Either Ghost 14.0 does not do what it say's it can do or the copy I bought is corrupted. It will not let me make a bootable copy onto my DVD burner or CDRW drives or even onto my USB flash drive (32 gigs) . Even the feedback link dosen't work. I'm always told that it has timed out.
All I want to do is make a bootable DVD of my entire harddive or bootable USB flashdrive and it dosen't even recognize my DVD or CDRW drives. it would be great if Symantec would respond with a solution.
I have used other versions of Norton Ghost before with other versions of Windows and was successful. The only reason I bought Ghost 14.0 was because it was supposed to work with XP and Vista. I have posted here because after trying everything in the instruction book unsuccessfully I thought I might get help here. Was I ever wrong. So after not recieving an answer even though it had been viewed 60 times I decided to answer my on question so that other viewers would know how helpful it is in this forum. You have to be special in order to get a response I guess.
So now after talking to a friend. He suggested I use a program called Acronis. He said that he's never had a problem and it works much better than Norton. He said he used to use Norton Ghost until he tried Acronis one day and never went back. Well I guess I have found another solution to my problem and answered my own question again.
Hi BrianW,
Sorry for your experience in forum. I know its little late in replying to your thread.
Anyway, here are my answers to your query.
With Norton Ghost you cannot create bootable DVDs or USB drives with backup. You can create backup on CD/DVDs or USB drives, but to restore these backups, you need to boot from the Symantec Recovery Disk.
This feature of creating bootable disk with backups is available with enterprise versions of Ghost.
After months of agonizing with this I finally found out how to get ghost to recognize my USB flash drive and successfully backed up my C:\ drive onto it. It was simpler than I thought. I just more or less followed my nose.
I just have one question to ask one of the Guru's or Geeks who are more familliar with Norton Ghost 14.0 . Does this backup of my C:\ drive include the O/S or will I have to re-install windows after formatting my hard drive? Will I have to make an image of my C:\ drive first then back it up or has this already been done in the backup?
Basicly what I want to do is be able to format my hard drive when ever it gets too sluggish or slow for what ever reason and then just re-install everything with all essential programs I use along with the O/S.
I hope I get a response this time and if everything works out I'll yell it from my house top how good Norton Ghost 14.0 is. LOL well not quite but you know what I mean.
Thanks in advance
BrianW wrote:After months of agonizing with this I finally found out how to get ghost to recognize my USB flash drive and successfully backed up my C:\ drive onto it. It was simpler than I thought. I just more or less followed my nose.
I just have one question to ask one of the Guru's or Geeks who are more familliar with Norton Ghost 14.0 . Does this backup of my C:\ drive include the O/S
It is an exact image of your C drive.
or will I have to re-install windows after formatting my hard drive?
Will I have to make an image of my C:\ drive first then back it up or has this already been done in the backup? Already done
Basicly what I want to do is be able to format my hard drive when ever it gets too sluggish or slow for what ever reason and then just re-install everything with all essential programs I use along with the O/S.
I hope I get a response this time and if everything works out I'll yell it from my house top how good Norton Ghost 14.0 is. LOL well not quite but you know what I mean.
Thanks in advance
Thank you mdturner for your immediate response. You have made my day
Glad to have been able to do so, it gives me a lot of pleasure to have “made your day”.
I allways think like this:
Safe? Use "Copy My Hard Drive" (mirror function)
Maybe safe; Use any other backup.
I allways disconnect the C: drive, and run the pc on the mirror, before feeling safe.
And I never fully trust a backup before I have verified its function 100%
BrianW wrote:
the Windows Ultimate edition it's backup utility will allow you to back up your entire harddrive and you will no longer need to use Norton Ghost.
Does this utility allow the restoring of individual partitions rather than a whole hard drive restore?
I only have the Windows Vista Home premium edition and Windows XP pro which doesn’t have that feature so I’m unable to verify exactly what they mean by being able to backup the entire hard drive. Hence the reason I bought Norton Ghost 14.0. But now that I have figured out how to use Ghost 14.0 I’m glad that I bought it.
I am trying to run my norton gost 14.0 which I have used for about 8 months. For the past three days it has been trying to create a recovery point but it like sticks on 1% for hours. I have let it run for over 8 hours and it wont move on and finish the task. I have tried restarting my computor, my external hard drive, etc. Not sure what else to do??
In the specifications for Norton Ghost 14.0 it states: "Copies only files that have changed for faster, fewer backups".
I have been unable to find any instructions in any of the documentation or on any of the support sites as to how I would set up the "files and folder" backup to enable file sync.
"So all file and folder backups are incremental!" Well who would have guessed! I'll check it out and see. Thanks.
I have to agree with you!
I've been using Norton Ghost pretty much since it was created and find the current interface to be confusing and lacking clear explainations of terms and functions. I just recently came to understand that limiting the number of recovery points is base and not incremental recovery points and have never been able to get to successfully optimise incrementals! Maybe I'm just simple minded....but I doubt it :)
I dont know about all you other folks that have Ghost 14.0 but I have found the user interface to be user unfriendly, no explanations of what is doing, and I have a very low success of accomplishing what I am attempting to do. I feel like I am in a maze bumping into things that I can not get to work. Cant imaging why this software is so difficult to operate. - JM
Hallo maxwillie,
entschuldige bitte, dass du so lange auf eine Antwort warten musstest.
Du kannst zwar die v2i-Datei verwenden (vorausgesetzt, dass sie nicht beschädigt ist), um dein Laufwerk wiederherzustellen - entweder über die Ghost-Benutzeroberfläche oder den Wiederherstellungspunktbrowser - aber Ghost hat keine Option, Wiederherstellungspunkte (v2i-Dateien) zu reimportieren, damit sie innerhalb der Ghost-Benutzeroberfläche angezeigt werden.
Viele Grüße,
Hallo Susanne,
vielen Dank für Deinen Einsatz. Bin in der Zwischenzeit durch erfolgreiches ausprobieren mit dem Wiederherstellungspunktbrowser an das "rettende Ufer" gekommen.
liebe Grüße
Hallo Basler,
danke für Deine Mithilfe