Today I tried to uninstall Ghost 14 and reinstall Ghost 9. I am using a Dell XPS laptop with Windows XP Sp2
After uninstalling Ghost 14, I had to reboot. I did that.
Now I reinstalled Ghost 9 after which I had to reboot, I got the blue screen of death with the main message being: The problem seems to be caused by the following file: v2imount.sys
The only way to get past this point is to boot into safe mode. I try the Norton Removal tool, which tells me that the version is too old. I tried all suggestions from the Symantec knowledge base to no avail.
Since I took a ghost just 2 days ago I decide to boot to the ghost disk and restore. However, my backup drive has become the C drive and I cannot restore. There was some check to run and it recorded: Get drive geometry [error], unable to get hand for (drive number). Ok, so much for an easy fix.
Now I get the Symantec chat on my other computer. I am told where to get the new version, but again I got the same message. I am told to check my system date, but that is correct. I am told to uninstall all Symantec programs, but they will not uninstall. Next step was to delete all programs und then go into the registry to delete Symantec files. Upon reboot, it also failed and I got the blue screen of death again. Finally I told the technician that I will use the windows restore while in safe mode. It worked, but of course everything is a mess because the programs are uninstalled.
How could my computer get so messed up by one program? How can both version fail and one aspect or another? How can both Ghost 14 and Ghost 9 boot disks failed to see the C drive.
I have seen the boot disk issue a few time on this forum and I can't believe that Symantec has not addressed this problem? How can their tech support not know how to fix the V2imount.sys issue?
At this point I will try own solution of restoring my drive by making it an external drive and restoring it from the program rather than the boot disk will work this time. I got to go, got to back up some data before the restore. Than I need to do some work. I wasted the entire day.
Did I say that I feel that I got ripped off when I bought Norton Ghost 14? I want my money back, it does not work.