Norton Ghost 14 - Backup

Hi everyone


Just let you know that I am not good English because I am profound deaf.


I bought Norton Ghost 14v.   Someone told me but I asking you first to see if my friend was right.


He said if I doing install all new software as Vista and other programs and work perfect then backup from C:drive to CD rom burn up.    Later if my computer has problem with virus or problem process e.g reboot itself whatever.   I could put CD rom in to pc and doing restore to C: drive then it will go back where i have done install all new software before.  Is that right?

Hi Whizzbread,


Welcome to the forum. Essentially your friend is correct, though it is always better to do backups to a seperate hard drive, such as a USB drive. They are more reliable and easier to work with than having multiple DVD's which comprise a single backup.


If you purchased Norton Ghost from Symantec web site it should have given you a download link for both Ghost installer and the ISO image. Your email confirmation you would have received for the purchase should also contain a link to download the ISO.


Have you checked your purchase confirmation in email?


How long ago did you purchase Ghost 14? I'm assuming it must have been a while since Ghost 15 has been out for about a month now.


Please note if it has been less than two months since your purchase you should be able to get a free upgrade to the latest Ghost 15.


Please check with Customer Service and if you purchased Ghost 14 less than two months ago enquire about getting an upgrade to Ghost 15. In either case you will need to ask them for a link to the ISO download. You just need to provide them with your product key so they can validate your purchase.


Please let me know how it goes.



Message Edited by AllenM on 12-21-2009 09:16 AM

Many thank for post… I bought Ghost 14 through Ebay which is really cheaper.  They gave me website address for me to access Norton to do download and give me activiate code. Everything fine and work perfect.   You mention “Download the ISO”  Do you mean this download link to “Symatec Recovery Disk”

Hi Whizzbread,


Yes I am referring to the SRD. You need click on Customer Service and provide them with your license information and they will give you a link to download the ISO (from which you will create the SRD).


Once you have this ISO file downloaded you will need to unzip the file which will leave a file ending in .iso. Then you need an ISO aware application which can burn this to a blank CD-R. Please note that you cannot simply copy this file to a CD-R. If you do not have an ISO application I would suggest ImgBurn which you can find here.


Please let me know how it goes.




Hi everyone


Just let you know that I am not good English because I am profound deaf.


I bought Norton Ghost 14v.   Someone told me but I asking you first to see if my friend was right.


He said if I doing install all new software as Vista and other programs and work perfect then backup from C:drive to CD rom burn up.    Later if my computer has problem with virus or problem process e.g reboot itself whatever.   I could put CD rom in to pc and doing restore to C: drive then it will go back where i have done install all new software before.  Is that right?