Norton Ghost 14 - can't dismount drive

I was trying to restore a drive.  The partition was 108 GB to a 111 GB hard drive.  It got finished and gave an error can't dismount drive.


I was trying to make the new drive active, maybe that was a mistake.  I wanted to be able to boot from that drive to Vista 32 bit.


The image is on an external drive and I have formatted the 111 GB drive with the slow format.


From searching for dismount I got the impression that something else is causing this problem, but I don't have anything else running.


I use Magic Disk, but I have unmounted all the drives and exited from that.


I don't see anything that look like Magic Disk in the processes.


I am in the process of restoring the drive without making it active.  Will I be able to make it active if it restores correctly?