Just installed Norton Ghost 15 on Vista 32Bit. No errors during install , rebooted, ran live update.
I have an external HD on which i have restore point from an other machine : I started Recovery point browser, can browse the files , and wanted to mount the drive, Dialog box apears to choose Drive letter , click ok => error box appears indicating 'Error E98F0028:' nothing more , nothing less ....
I ran a backup : tried to mount this backup -> same error.
I CAN copy files but not mount the drive.
Started chathelp with norton : first engineer told that it is a NONEXSISTING ERROR (i' msut be lucky to have a non-exsisting error on my screen), second engineer : could not find the problem too, third one started remote session but after 1 Hr had no clue ...
Anybody in same situation ? solutions ? Suggestions
PS : laptop acer Aspire 7720G , not in domain, standalone