Norton Ghost 15 for win 7 First installation

I downloaded the Norton ghost 15 for win 7. The file name is NGH1501_AllWin_English_SrdAndProd.iso. But i could not run this file because .iso extension is a disk image file and assoicated with a Disc image copy program. How do i run this file so that i can install Norton Ghost?

I downloaded the Norton ghost 15 for win 7. The file name is NGH1501_AllWin_English_SrdAndProd.iso. But i could not run this file because .iso extension is a disk image file and assoicated with a Disc image copy program. How do i run this file so that i can install Norton Ghost?

Thats just the recovery disk.

Here is the program installer:




Edit- I'm not familiar with that exact download but I think Deric is right, looking at the name it may be both the SRD and the product installer.


Windows 7 has a built in feature to burn ISO's.

Right click on the file and select "Burn Disk Image", use a blank CD instead of DVD.



Hello Dave,


Thankyou for your link for download. i was able to download norton ghost and install

