Norton Ghost 15, problem restoring to brand new drive - won't boot - Please Help


Ghost is complicated.  And without help, I don't know what I'd do.


But guess what?




It tried to boot and brought me to Windows Boot Manager screen where it asks


Choose an operating system to start or press tab to select a tool.


* Windows 7

* Widows Vista/Windows server 2008/Windows 7


I Clicked first one didn’t work and brought me to the same previous error.


So I tried the 2nd one, and it started loading windows and everything looked good.


The only problem now is each time I reboot I have to go through this process.

I never had to do that with my original hard drive.  It just booted to Windows.


Any way around that?





I'm deligthted it worked. But your Ghost experience is one of the worst we've seen. Has anyone an explanation?


Regarding the dual boot menu. That's another Ghost issue. Open msconfig, Boot tab, delete the incorrect entry.


Please let us know your progress.

I wish that I was around earlier to point you to this post...

Sorry Red. You post slipped my mind.



If you have some more time, try Red's method and let us know if it suits you.

I will try it tonight guys and let you know how it pans out.

Thanks for your post red.



Hi Red,


This suggestion worked perfectly and it was much simpler.


It booted, although still giving me the new screen with a choice of booting with 2 systems. 

However I rectified this with the msconfig suggestion by Brian and now it boots normally without bringing up that screen.


A sincere thank you to both of you for your very kind and appreciated assistance through this.

You're doing great service to others and it really made my life easier to communicate with you through this forum.


Wishin you all the best,


That bug with the extra boot option is from Ghost 15's SRD. It is fixed in SSR 2013. You can try that SRD to restore with if you want. Another way to not get the extra boot option is after the restore is complete and Ghost has hosed up the boot menu, restore the BCD file from the System Reserved Partition.

redk9258 wrote:

That bug with the extra boot option is from Ghost 15's SRD. It is fixed in SSR 2013. You can try that SRD to restore with if you want. Another way to not get the extra boot option is after the restore is complete and Ghost has hosed up the boot menu, restore the BCD file from the System Reserved Partition.

Hi Red,


Is there a link where I can download the SSR 2013, and create a new SSR CD?


Another question:

I had created a base recovery point, and had 13 incrementals after that.  I wanted to see if it would still restore my disk if I only had the base file and the 13th incremental file.  So I temporarily moved the others to another folder. 


Then I tried to do a restore, and it wouldn't let me saying the ...013.iv2i file couldn't find the parent ...0123.iv2i file.


So my question is, 1. are all previous incremental files needed?


2.  Can't I delete some of the previous incremental files, in order to save space on the hard drive and still be able to restore my most recent recovery point?


Of course I tried to do this manually, but is it that we have to let ghost manage it, and ghost rearanges the files so if I delete the 12th incremental file, the 13 incremental won't need the 12th anymore?


Your input would be appreciated.





SSR 2013 desktop link....


1. All incremental files require the previous ones in the set. If you want to restore XXX019.iv2i, you need all of the previous files in the set, including the base image.


2. You can open the 13th image file using Recovery Point Browser and use the Copy button to make a new v2i file. Then you can delete the earlier files. Note that the iv2i files are usually very small compared to the v2i base image files. Also note it is preferred to delete image files from the Ghost GUI. If you don't, the history can get messed up and possibly prevent you from starting a new incremental set.

ntngdw wrote:

Installed new SSD and restored from ghost back up. seem to work . when booting from new SSD the BIOS will start and after a couple of seconds the computor will reboot and will keep rebooting until stoped. I have the lattest BIOS for my laptop and running  XP Pro SP3.

the BIOS set sees the SSD and correctly ID's the drive. when i boot fron ghost cd i dont see any problems. i what to know if settings in the support utilities for partitions will help???? old drive 40gb new SSD 240gb



What model is the laptop? Does the BIOS support HDs larger than 128 GB?





There are ways to work around the 128 GB limitation. Are you still with us?