Hi Brian,
Here is what I tried. Didn`t boot though.
Recover my computer, click next, chose most recent recovery point.
It had 2 drives I could recover.
Top one unchecked Acer C: Target drive says invalid. Did not remove drive though, just made sure it was unchecked.
Underneath was checked and green button beside it, System Reserved.
I selected System reserved, clicked edit.
Then it brought up.
1st drive Acer 450GB, I clicked delete drive, it then changed to unallocated.
2nd system reserved, it was primary, checked all 4 checks,
Check for file system errors after recovery
Set drive active (for booting OS)
Restore original disk signature
Restore master boot record
clicked ok. Clicked next., Left reboot when finished unchecked.
It restored in 44 seconds.
Next will try restoring the c drive.
Recover my computer, click next, chose most recent recovery point.
It had 2 drives I could recover.
Top one unchecked Acer C: Target drive says invalid.
Underneath checked and green button beside it, System Reserved.
Unchecked System Reserved, green box removed. Did not remove drive though, just unchecked it.
Put a check in Acer C:, an red X appeared beside it (where green button is). Target drive still says invalid.
clicked edit.
It has a list of drives that appear.
Disk | Volume Label | Size | File System | Type | Source Drive |
1 | | 1MB | Unallocated | Primary | |
1 | | 450MB | Unknown | Primary | |
1 | SYSTEM RESERVED | 100MB | NTFS | Primary | |
1 | | 15.9GB | unallocated | Primary | |
I put mouse on top of 450 GB drive, it did not let me select resize drive (it was greyed out).
So I deleted this drive. The table then appeared like this.
Disk | Volume Label | Size | File System | Type | Source Drive |
1 | | 450MB | Unallocated | Primary | |
1 | SYSTEM RESERVED | 100MB | NTFS | Primary | |
1 | | 15.9GB | unallocated | Primary | |
I put clicked 450GB drive to select it.
Now I could check resize drive after recovery and check for files system errors.
I also deleted 2nd system reserved drive and it disappeared.
clicked again on the top Acer C: 450GB drive and its settings were changed so I changed them back to what they should have been.
Verify recovery point before restore
Resize drive after recover (unallocated space only) (ONLY if you want to)
Partition type : Primary
Check for file system errors after recovery
And left all others unchecked.