Norton Ghost 15 recovery disk not finding second internal hard dirve

Hello everyone i need help badly.  I have used Norton Ghost through the years and starting using Ghost 15 in december 2009.

I am using windows 7 64 bit for my system.  I had to reinstall norton ghost due installation of complete new system, motherboard cpu, hard drives.  Now when I insert the recovery disk it will boot up just fine but when i go to select a recovery point It will find drive (D) and its sub partitions just fine but it will not locate drive (D) or its sub partitions..  The drives are 2TB each Drive (C) is allocated at 250 MB and the remaining partitions are 250 MB except the last one and it is 638 MB.  Drive (D) the second hard drive is allocated at 250 MB and partions I, J, and K are at 350 MB and partion L is 563 MB.  I have tried different allocations and it will not find the second drive.  Also at times when I am in the CD recovery I get the message that the drive is not initialized and if I click on yes to initializied it will wipe out all my allocations and data.  I haven't seen this message for years. 


Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.  I have talked to support and no help was provided  they kept telling me  how to start the recovery system.