Norton Ghost 15 Used to Backup Server 2008 single DC with Single Partion

:smileyvery-happy:I intend to backup my single Server 2008 Domain Controller (Single Physical Drive - Single Partition) to a restore point, using Norton Ghost 15 boot software.  Is there anythng I should be concerned with if later I need to restore from the restoration point?


A million thanks



I'm not saying it won't work, but Ghost is not intended for servers. It is a consumer grade backup program that supports Windows XP,  Vista and 7. Nowhere does it say that it will work with server 2008. The enterprise product called Backup Exec is probably better suited for your needs as there is a server edition.

Tight budget.  I understand Symantec Ghost Solution Suite 2.5 may do the trick.  Will give it a try on a test server and let everyone know.

You can't install Ghost 15 on a server OS but I see no reason why you can't do a "cold image" from the Ghost recovery disk.


If you have a test server and an extra hard drive laying around, try booting to the ghost recovery disk and create a "cold image" of the test server.  Put the image on an external drive or network location.  Then change drives and restore the image onto the extra drive.

I'm suggesting another drive in case it doesn't work, but if your test system is a clean install and you wouldn't mind having to reinstall it if you have a problem than you can skip using the extra drive. 



If you are looking for disaster recovery technology like Ghost, Symantec System Recovery is NG15's big brother that will work on servers.

I will try this next week and let everyone know the results.

Please let us know, I been curious to know if it works.

From a technical standpoint, since it's using a supported file system it should work fine. To Ghost it's just a normal OS partition.


However, some software I have used in the past (partition magic as an example) would somehow check to see if the partition contained a server and if it did it would refuse to work and tell you that you need to purchase the server version.

