Norton GoBack 4.00 vs. 4.02 - How Can I Get A Stand-Alone 4.02 Install Disk?

I have System Works 2005 with GoBack version 4.0 on it.  To update to 4.02 you need to first install 4.00 and then go to LiveUpdate to update to 4.02.  This involves an install of 4.0, enabling 4.0.  Then doing LiveUpdate to update to 4.02.  Uninstalling 4.0 (it does this automatically), and finally installing 4.02.  If you don't "enable" 4.0 right after you install it (to avoid having to "uninstall it with the update), LiveSubscribe gets fooled and often doesn't update 4.0 to 4.02.  It will tell you that your "4.0" version is the latest available, which of course is wrong.


My question:  is there any way to get the 4.02 file on a disk so that in the future if I need to reinstall GoBack I can just install the 4.02 version without having to go through the more lengthy process.  Also, I'd like to not have to rely on the "LiveSubscribe Update" update process to get to 4.02, should Symantec decide to stop supporting GoBack in the future and I need to reinstall the product. 


Finally, is the 4.02 version currently on my computer in a folder somewhere (downloaded there in the update process), and does anybody know what changes were made in 4.02 over 4.00 and are they important to a machine running XP?


Thanks to anybody that can help with this.