I have NIS 2013 ver and frequent crashes of the norton identity preotection extesion in google chrome (
Version 23.0.1271.64 m) is noticed lately .
I tried to solve the problem by removing the extesion and reinstall" through unpacking the chrome,crx file in ext folder " but the following message has appeared .
could not load extension from :......
The 'manifest_version' key must be present and set to 2 (without quotes). See developer.chrome.com/extensions/manifestVersion.html for details.
I think the extenstion file needs to be updated or modified to solve this problem
best regards,
dr. Moahmed Habeeb
could not load extension from :......
The 'manifest_version' key must be present and set to 2 (without quotes). See developer.chrome.com/extensions/manifestVersion.html for details.
I think the extenstion file needs to be updated or modified to solve this problem
best regards,
dr. Moahmed Habeeb