I have been experiencing severe lagging and freezing after about a day of using Google Chrome with the Norton IP extension enabled. This issue started around summertime with NIS 2012 and it continues with NIS 2013. Originally I thought it was a problem with Chrome itself but after disabling/enabling the extension, the issue goes away for about a day. This behavior did not occur in the first half of 2012. I can replicate the issue 100% of the time but it usually takes about 1-2 days of usage before it crops up again. From there you need to disable/enable the extension or restart the browser but the fix is only temporary. Issue does not occur in Firefox or IE.
This is what I experience:
When I click on an existing tab to get focus, there is about a 1-2 second delay and then the selected tab pops out in a new window automatically. Sometimes, the tabbed window swaps places with the nearest tab. I also notice a clear lagging behavior where the mouse icon is jerking around the screen temporarily, CPU utilization is higher than normal and the page is generally unresponsive to scrolling or any action. After about 3 seconds, the lagging stops, but if I select another tab, I get the same behavior.