Norton Identity Safe 4.4 for iOS

Es freut uns, dass wir nun den Abschluss der Tests fuer das letzte Inline von Norton Identity Safe 4.4 und die Freigabe an unsere iOS-Kunden bekannt geben koennen.

Hinweis: Anforderung ist iOS 8.0 oder juenger. Kompatibel mit iPhone, iPad und iPod Touch.

Die folgenden FAQ sprechen einige uebliche Fragen an:

1. Welches ist die Versionsnummer fuer diesen Patch?

    Versions 4.4 fuer iOS.

2. Wie kann ich diese Aktuallisierung erhalten?

   Sie koennen diese Aktuallisierung durch Auto Update odedurch einen Besuch von iTunes erhalten. Gehen Sie zu Einstellungen -> Hilfe -> Info  um sich zu versichern, dass Sie das Update erhalten haben.

3. Fuer welche Sprachen ist dieses Update verfuegbar?

    => Nur Englisch

4. Welche Aenderungen bringt diese Freigabe

  • Neu integriert Safe Browser fuer ein verbessertes Nutzer-Erlebnis.
  • Yetzt koennen Sie Logins im Vault speichern, ohne die URL eintragen zu mussen.
  • Geringfuegige Korrekturen

5. Wo kann ich meine Fragen stellen?

    Besuchen Sie das Forum Board Other Mobile Products (englischsprachig) um Ihre Fragen zu stellen.

Peter, welcome to getting older but don't admit to forgetting things as you will be cast aside or dropped a rank.

Glad to hear you got things working properly.

Well I forgot about the requirement for IOS 8 for the latest Identity Safe app. I deleted the app so I could try the install, and ran into the roadblock. I now have no ID Safe.  crying  So it has already started where updates to apps can block older users and devices.

I had read when IOS 8 came out that it slowed down the older devices, as the CPU could not keep up; So I made the choice to remain on v7.

The app for IOS allowed me to login and set a PIN. The tour was quite informative and I opened up the Norton browser and tried some of my login/ passwords - all went well. I closed the browser/ app then opened the app again to be pleasantly surprised to be offered to open the Identity Safe in Safari, which I did and gave it a try. Well done it appears to be working OK – do you want to try working on the  Firefox/ Identity Safe app and get that working.

Off Topic to @Peterweb, My iPad 2 used to work fine I think up to an early IOS 8.something now is slowing like me. I thought it wise to always update for the “security measures”. Its days are numbered as it will not accept IOS 10 then the apps will start to fail, won’t they.

@Paul862 Request you to try checking it now,we were facing intermittent issues.Now the issue has been sorted out,could you please update if the issue has been resolved now.Sorry for the inconvenience created.

There are some issues with new installations of the mobile versions of ID Safe not being able to connect to the vault. I'll try to get info for you when things are fixed again.

Off Topic

How do you find the performance of the iPad 2 on IOS 9.x.x? I have resisted moving past IOS 7 on my iPad 3 due to what I have read about performance issues with the older hardware.


Hi Peter, I was running iOS 9.3.3 on my iPad 2 but decided to upgrade to 9.3.5 after my post. I deleted the Identity Safe app and reloaded from the Apple Store. I selected login in place of create an account, and entered my Norton account details - on hitting return I obtained "error no connection" which was false. After closing the app and restarting several times I obtained the same condition, now i have "The request timed out" and my Norton Account has been temporarily locked so Identity Safe on my desktop says, however I am still logged onto the forum.

I believe the agent did not give the correct information regarding distribution of the ID Safe app for IOS. The latest information I received is that it should be available 'almost' everywhere in the world.

I know there have been some changes to the ID Safe for Firefox on PCs. Some of these changes may have implications on mobile version of the ID Safe app. Your reference to "Where is my vault" seems to me to indicate some change in the setup. You never used to see this. All you would do is log into your Norton Account and there was only one vault associated with it. I'll try to test this new install, and will post back later.

What device and IOS version are you using?