Hi, I am not sure where to ask this. I have a Samsung Galaxy S and I recently installed Id Safe on it. I was pleasantly surprised to discover it comes with its own safe browser which I like very much. However, I do not see where or how to close individual browser windows except for completley closing the app. On the "page" window I can see the windows and the "+" to add a new page, but no prompt to close any. Thanks.
Hi timrlin.
Welcome to the Norton Community Forums.
This (The Norton Mobile Security forum) is probably not the best place to ask this question so I will ask the moderator to move it to the Norton Toolbar/Norton Identity Safe forum where people should be more experienced with the issues. A marker to the forum will remain here so you can follow it that was if you wish.
As I have not tried Norton Identity Safe on my Android I cannot answer your question but you may find that if you hit the menu button then there may be an option to close/exit the window.
Good luck. Hope this is solved soon.
Thank you for trying to help but unfortunately, I see nothing to exit a window in the menu.
How would you close other apps on your Galaxy? You would close Identity Safe the same way.
Hi Timrlin,
In identity safe app, If you have opened multiple tabs using "+" and you will have option to close all the tab using cross mark.
For e.g. When you close the app with one tab using crossmark then you app will be closed. You need to relaunch the app to work again.
I still do not see any "exit" nor "x" for closing windows within the Id Safe browser. However I did accidently discover that in the "pages" or "windows" button located at the bottom menu bar in the Safe browser, which takes one to see tiles for open pages and/or to create a new page, and for which there still remains no "x" to close pages, one simply needs to swipe the page tile to the left or right to get rid of it. I should note that when multiple pages or windows are opened in the Safe browser, there is no tab display at the top as one would see in other browsers nor have I found any other way to close them except as I described above. Perhaps on other mobile devices it is displayed differently than on my Samsung Galaxy S.