RDLeo wrote:
We're probably going to need to get in touch with you, but would like to see what the answers are to these questions first:
Can you also tell me when you started noticing your logins were gone from Android? I can't tell you with 100% certainty because I don't use Identity Safe for Mobile very frequently. I can only tell you that with this last version, it isn't functioning properly.
RL-- I only ask because this version has been out for awhile, but I understand from reading the previous post that you were trying for help in another forum so you've been dealing with this for awhile...
Can you tell me if you are sure you are using the same Norton Account and Vault as you are with NIS? I login with the same credentials for both--that is, same email address, same password. Therefore, I am ASSUMING that I am using the same Norton Account and Vault as I am with Norton Internet Security (NIS 2013).
RL-- It is possible that you could have two vaults without knowing it. To rule out some other things, please go to http://identitysafe.norton.com and sign in and tell me how many logins you see on the website.
If it is the same as your PC, then go to your phone and log out of your Norton Account and log back in. Sometimes this can trigger a sync.
Can you tell me if you are sure that same vault is in the cloud. To the best of my knowledge, yes. The 13 logins I see on my phone with Identity Safe are the same as 13 of the 116 logins I see on my home computer with NIS 2013.
RL-- If you see 116 logins on the website then we know it is in the cloud.
My suspicion is you set up a vault with via IDSafe with NIS and set up a different one with mobile. I don't know how that would be possible--shouldn't both programs be accessing the exact, same vault in the cloud? I use the same Norton Account login credentials, so wouldn't they be accessing the same vault? Further, with the last version of Identity Safe for Mobile, all my logins were the same as on my NIS 2013 (home computer).
RL-- So I understand now that you had the logins on your phone and then lost them with the update.
When did you start using 2.5.14? I do not recall specifically; but my best guess is it was soon after it was made available in the Google Play market.
Thank you as well, for your help.
I will check the messages again tomorrow if you reply.