Norton Internet Security High C.P.U.

Hi, Everyone,


If I leave my computer for ten minutes, or N.I.S. goes in to "Idle", Norton's C.P.U., and therefore the system C.P.U., goes to never 90% and stays up there until Norton comes out of Idle Status, i.e. until I move the Mouse or start Typing.  As far as I am aware, there are no Background Tasks Running at the time of this High C.P.U.; just to clarify that the Background Tasks would Run, but the C.P.U. would remain High, thereafter.  Although, as far as I am aware, this High C.P.U. happens when Norton enters the Idle State.  Should you need more clarification, just let me know; thanks!



Windows X.P.; Service Pack 03.


Message Edited by Floating_Red on 08-31-2009 08:09 PM
Message Edited by Floating_Red on 08-31-2009 08:10 PM