Norton Internet Security 2012 Acting Strange?

So far today hasn't been a good day. This morning when I doing a Full System Scan, I noticed that it was not functioning properly. When I started the scan, it took an unusually long time for the scan to begin. It would say "Scanning commonly infected areas and start-up files" and the number of objects scanned would remain at 0, this usually lasts for anywhere between several seconds to several minutes, and then the number of objects scanned would suddeny change from 0 to 70,000. When I stopped the scan, and checked the history, it would say the scan had taken 23 minutes even though it was only on for around 10 mins and cookies were found even though the scan had told me nothing was detected.

After restarting my computer and attempting another Full System Scan several times, only one scan functioned properly while the rest came to the same result as stated above. Also, everytime I had stopped the scan and tried to start another, In the window, yellow "Working" box would be red and say "Error During Scan" and would not let me start a Full System Scan afterwards and I was forced to restart my computer again. This had gone on for several hours.

About half an hour ago, after restarting my computer again and opening up Norton, Norton had told me that my computer was at risk, my Virus/Spyware protection was turned off, and I had 0 days remaining for my subscription even though I had 229 days remaining, and Norton hasn't been activated yet. Then Norton reactivate itself, and a "Fix Now" button would appear, when I clicked on it my Virus/Spyware protection would turn back on and everything had went back to normal. 

I wasn't sure what had happened, so I'm here to look for any assistance, or people who can tell me what caused them problems and anything I can do to resolve these issues as I am very paranoid and worried that my computer along with all of my files would be at risk. 

So any help would be greatly appreciated!



Sorry to hear of your problems. Have you allowed a full scan to run to completion? For the issue of no protection, have you checked your system date and time? Have you manually run LiveUpdate until no updates are available? Did you have any other security software installed before NIS?

So far, the problems with the Full System Scan are resolved, I had done some research and I noticed that when I stop a scan and start a new one immediately after, the second scan would start off where I left off. I had successfully completed several Full System Scans, and so far it's functioning properly. 

As for the issues with the activation and no protection, I had checked my system date and time and both of them were correct and were unchanged. Yes, I do have other security software, which is Ad-Aware, I know that Norton and Ad-Aware don't work well together but I have using both of them together for years, and this was the first time something like this happened.

Hi Kaze-Z,


Ad-Aware and Norton are almost certainly conflicting with each other,  even if you don't notice it.  You have probably noticed many posts here about Zero Access etc.  Some of these people were infected because they were running multiple security programs in real-time.


Your choice,  of course,  but I would uninstall Ad-Aware.



Users, should just not complain about security software when more than one Realtime security product is installed together.



Kaze-Z wrote:
Yes, I do have other security software, which is Ad-Aware, I know that Norton and Ad-Aware don't work well together but I have using both of them together for years, and this was the first time something like this happened.

[edit] to correct misleading info. thanks Dave.


It may have been working in the past, but an update to either program, or Windows, could have brought the incompatibility to the front.

peterweb wrote:

Kaze-Z wrote:
Yes, I do have other security software, which is Ad-Aware, I know that Norton and Ad-Aware don't work well together but I have using both of them together for years, and this was the first time something like this happened.

The free version of Ad-Aware could be used with Norton, but if you activate any of the real time scanners that would conflict with Norton.


It may have been working in the past, but an update to either program, or Windows, could have brought the incompatibility to the front.

Er, actually no!


Please see this page for details  -

