Norton Internet Security 2013 Error: 8506, 421

I see that other people are having  similar issues with NIS 2013 "Autofix" failing and generating

Error: 8506, 421.   I'm hoping that making a separate post on the problem will generate

some positive action from Symantec.


My problem seems identical to what many others are experiencing.  After a clean install upgrade

to NIS 2013 from 2012, back in October, I began to experience the missing taskbar icon issue.  The

rollout of version appeared to resolve that.


About 10 days ago the taskbar icon disappeared.  A reboot restored it and all seemed

fine for a few days until a LiveUpdate session generated  "Error: 8506, 421".


I rebooted and the problem reoccurred  the following day.


Yesterday I followed the advice on the Symantec website and ran the Norton Removal and

Reinstall tool.  Today the problem is back.


The error message generated by the Autofix fail pop-up reads:


Norton Internet Security
Error: 8506, 421
Windows 7 Home Premium
Norton Autofix Results: 0 item(s)


All other programs are working fine and I can detect no other

issues with my computer.  The only program that keeps failing

is NIS 2013. Having an unreliable AV program in this day and

age is unacceptable.


I'd welcome any suggestions on how to resolve this.






I see that other people are having  similar issues with NIS 2013 "Autofix" failing and generating

Error: 8506, 421.   I'm hoping that making a separate post on the problem will generate

some positive action from Symantec.


My problem seems identical to what many others are experiencing.  After a clean install upgrade

to NIS 2013 from 2012, back in October, I began to experience the missing taskbar icon issue.  The

rollout of version appeared to resolve that.


About 10 days ago the taskbar icon disappeared.  A reboot restored it and all seemed

fine for a few days until a LiveUpdate session generated  "Error: 8506, 421".


I rebooted and the problem reoccurred  the following day.


Yesterday I followed the advice on the Symantec website and ran the Norton Removal and

Reinstall tool.  Today the problem is back.


The error message generated by the Autofix fail pop-up reads:


Norton Internet Security
Error: 8506, 421
Windows 7 Home Premium
Norton Autofix Results: 0 item(s)


All other programs are working fine and I can detect no other

issues with my computer.  The only program that keeps failing

is NIS 2013. Having an unreliable AV program in this day and

age is unacceptable.


I'd welcome any suggestions on how to resolve this.






yank wrote:


Hi Johnly,


I responded to your request for help in the below link providing instructions on a suggestion to revert to NIS 2012.


Please come back and mark this thread as solved if the reversion is the answer so others are aware of the solution.  Thanks! 


Hi yank,

             Thank you for answering so promptly.


Based on my positive experience with Symantec products over the years, I've

decided to renew my subscription for another year.   Error: 8506, 421 didn't

appear today  -- after appearing three days in a row previously -- and now that

you've kindly outlined the rollback procedure, I'll have NIS 2102 available

for installation.


I will report back in a few days as to whether the rollback to 2012 was

necessary and the outcome.


Many thanks to you and all the other members of the Norton Community

for your time and assistance.


You are very welcome - and good luck!  Please let us know.

Hi yank


It's been five days since I've had any problems with NIS 2013, and now that

you've provided me with details of how to rollback to 2012, I see no point in keeping

this thread open.

I'll mark it as "Solved" and thank you and the other helpful members of the Norton

Community for their assistance.

Regards to all.

Hi Johnly,
Hopefully we stay on the top side of the power curve!  :smileyvery-happy:

To solve the problem as follows acted with Test Method error. Once reinstalled the Norton 2013, after the error occurs shot 8506.421 whenever an analysis where it says "At the end of the analysis, the team should: Stay on, power off, suspend". I leave to remain on. Every time I gave back off or stop the problem of error 8506.421. More than 10 days ago that I did not have the problem of error and having to uninstall and reinstall is the only solution that gives the holder Norton .. I think the program generates some kind of problem every time is suspended or off by Norton medium. If it serves, with proving they lose nothing. ( Para resolver el problema actué de la siguiente manera, con el método de prueba error. Una vez reinstalado el programa Norton 2013, luego de presentarse el error 8506,421 cada vez que tiro un analisis donde dice "Al finalizar el analisis el equipo debe: Permanecer encendido, apagar, suspender". Lo dejo en Permanecer encendido. Cada vez que le di apagar o suspender vuelve el problema del error 8506,421. Hace mas de 10 días que no volví a tener el problema del error y tener que desintalar y reinstalar que es la única solución que da el Soporte de Norton..creo que al programa genera algún tipo de problema cada vez que se suspende o apaga por medio de Norton. Si les sirve, con probar no pierden nada.)

Moved to own thread for better exposure.

   I had a severe trojan infection, so I reinstalled Windows 7 from scratch.  My first task was to update all the Windows patches.  My 2nd task was to install the latest Norton 360.  On the 2nd day, I got the 8506, 421 message, and it scared the crap out of me.  I thought the trojan was back, disabling N 360.  I rebooted and restarted N360, and so far, so good (3 hours), but based on what I've read in the fora, I'm not optimistic.

   I worked for IBM for 34 years.  When a customer has a problem, we acknowledge it, log it, track it, and report back to the customer periodically until it is solved.  Among other things, we have several statuses, including Open, Closed, and Bypass Provided.

   I want to point out that this problem is NOT solved.  A bypass has been provided.  Asking the customer to revert to a prior level of the product is not a fix -  it is a temporary bypass.  The problem is not solved and, if not fixed, will appear in all subsequent releases of the product.

   I think the Norton customer community would feel a little better about this particular problem if Norton would at least (1) acknowledge that it is a problem, (2) that they are working on it, and (3) that a fix (ie., a patch) will be provided at some point.  I've seen nothing to give me a warm fuzzy feeling that they are looking at this.

Spot on, JRB2.

The temporary bypass that they have provided is not even fulfilling its purpose - as I've posted on here a few times, I'm getting the same problem after downgrading to NIS2012.

Although the problem only started appearing after I upgraded from 2012 to 2013 last year, as I say, I am now getting the same problem with 2012. That suggests that the removal tool that Symantec provide is about as good as the security products they sell...

Norton Internet Security 2013 Error: 8506, 421 is still not fixed. I use XP Pro. Norton is provided by XFinity. This is supposed to be my clean laptop with nothing but browsers and adobe reader installed beside Norton.

This is NOT solved.  Norton does not allow update of NIS 2012 without a renewal of subscription which I had already completed when I acquired Norton 360.  Now I am asked to pay again when the software I purchased does not work and the older version is notionally out of date.