Norton Internet Security cleanup after install

After I installed a newer version of Norton Internet Security, I noticed there is a "Norton Installation Files" folder on my Desktop.

It is a link to

\Public\Public Downloads\Norton\{NIS19............} 

This folder takes up 114 MB of disk space.


I also noticed there were two  other directories under \Public\Public Downloads\Norton.   I think they were from when I installed the Norton family packs in older versions. 


The total disk space used  under \Public\Public Downloads\Norton is 156 MB.


My recommendation is that Norton Internet Security and other Norton products cleanup after the install and

1) delete the desktop folder and

2) delete the files under \Public\Public Downloads\Norton







Mike1776 wrote:

After I installed a newer version of Norton Internet Security, I noticed there is a "Norton Installation Files" folder on my Desktop.

It is a link to

\Public\Public Downloads\Norton\{NIS19............} 

This folder takes up 114 MB of disk space.


I also noticed there were two  other directories under \Public\Public Downloads\Norton.   I think they were from when I installed the Norton family packs in older versions. 


The total disk space used  under \Public\Public Downloads\Norton is 156 MB.


My recommendation is that Norton Internet Security and other Norton products cleanup after the install and

1) delete the desktop folder and

2) delete the files under \Public\Public Downloads\Norton







Is it OK to manually clean up by deleting the Norton and Symantec directories in the Public Downloads directory?