Hi i have done a system reset on my computer yesterday and now some settings are not as i rememberd them !
can i reset everything to standard again and how do i do? .
And will this reset the advanced firewall settings aswell? becouse there are alot of firewall traffic rules that im not sure if they are as they should be.
I see under advanced settings in smart firewall column that i can chose reset firewall.
would this be ok to do if you want everything back to standard/normal again ?.
I also already have cleared file.ids that would had been exlcuded under searches,(wich i hope is ok to do)
and reseted the whole Antivirus and Sonar exceptions page, Sonar and Download Inteligience Exceptions/signatures to exempt from all identifications etc .
Becouse there where exceptions under download inteligence sonar and signatures that i cant remember i had made exceptions for,
and they also did disappear! when i reseted the page to standard again. (so there by why i also cleared files.ids exceptions)
*Note*the system volume information exception for virus searches is still there and not the exceptions i am talking about it has always been there as standard.
It was under the other colums that stuff where not standard.
I am a bit worried someone has changed my settings and now when unmarking/clearing exlcuded stuff our of fear for not recognising i have made more of a mess.
Again how can reset everything to a safe un-alterd standard? (advanced firewall settings to please)
Very thankfull for answer and help /Krister. (sorry for the bad english)