Since last week when i took updates to Norton, it crash's Google Chrome. Help!
The last link was exciting. Not only would the declaration only allow data amounts of up to 10 KB, but it would also not explain automatic reports WITHOUT CRASH every hour (and regardless of deactivation of the option) of 2.5-3.8 MB.
Something I haven't mentioned yet because it can no longer be verified (verification would require time of payment, proof of absence of crashes, etc.): when I could still see the about:crash page, most Reports were discarded and only one or two were reviewed. Strangely, these were the exact periods in which I had made purchases. Honi soi, qui mal y pense.
Have you ever checked the crash reports folder or the site about:crash? This would be essential for most of my observations (with automatic forwarding disabled). But your comments are more than justified, so more on that. I've had to change the Browser (now Firefox) to upload Pictures. Opera crashed every time. Same events as before, thus no changes in the reported events.
In Norton, only one type of event correlates with the crashes (blocking attacks on social networks, 929 in the last month; I have no social network accounts). In the Windows Event Viewer, entries corresponding to today's crashes can be found under "Monitoring" and "Information".
In addition, in the Windows Power Shell the status has been changed from "Available" to "Stopped".
"Der Modulzustand wurde von Available in Stopped geändert.
HostApplication=powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Restricted -Command $Res = 0; $Infs = Get-Item -Path ($env:WinDir + '\inf\*.inf'); foreach ($Inf in $Infs) { $Data = Get-Content $Inf.FullName; if ($Data -match '\[defaultinstall.nt(amd64|arm|arm64|x86)\]') { $Res = 1; break; } } Write-Host 'Final result:', $Res;
RunspaceId=da0ee3fe-4976-4ecf-9eef-9dcbee69bd23 [...]"
All: My suggestion is use Windows Event Viewer to find the cause of the crashes. Windows will have that information stored there.
For the record. I use Opera GX x 64 early access, and have done so for some time on Norton Security Ultra and Norton 360 Deluxe, both Windows 10 and 11 current public releases. I also use Edge as a backup. NONE of my machines on either of these browsers have ever experienced the issues Castor_HH has presented. I've never used Chrome nor FF for one simple reason. They change like we change underwear. Nothing stays for long, everyone has to have the "latest stable build" which will present more issues than resolutions. There lies the issue in most cases.
Back to the OP, what information can you provide that would assist us in finding the cause of Chrome crashing? Screenshots, Norton history entries, information from the system event viewer would be great to review.
Some other suggestions are here:
Presented this way, I can follow your argument. Just note that you phrased it semantically as your main reason.
Autostart is generally of minor interest to passionate data collectors. Of greater interest would be the question of whether it is the default browser. Microsoft can collect non-Internet-related data in ways other than Edge; Google is primarily interested in Internet behavior. In this respect, for me the fact that I can only nominally, but not actually, deactivate the option to automatically send a crash report is far more important than the question of whether the exclusion from the autostart folder is obediently followed. This is not exactly mitigated by the fact that a crash report is initiated even without a crash (causing a crash). If you ask me why I'm attached to Opera, the main reason would probably be that it's a Norwegian distribution.
In Norway, the GDPR has been implemented as applicable law since 2018 and differs significantly from US law. In Europe, state organs may not access any data stored by the company in question without a court order, without the right to legal recourse and without the right to disseminate the facts (both of which would be “high treason”). Whether it happens anyway is another matter. If you like, you can find out whether US organs have carried out industrial espionage in the past. However, this has given me a serious setback given the way crash reports are handled, but I don't know which alternative would be better, which is why I haven't changed yet. Second best for me would be Firefox, as it is open source. But this damper completely prevents me from even including Chrome in my considerations. Opera inherited it from Chromium, not the other way around. Why go from bad to worse?
Here (in game theory) Norton has greater credibility as a distributor of security products than, for example, Google (Chrome), since infringements endanger economic interests. Protecting data is a different industry than selling collected data. At this level, in my opinion, the Norton Security Browser has a right to exist (in line with the area in which Norton operates as a company). It should also be borne in mind that the question of whether another browser makes sense represents a variation of the question of how many browsers would actually make sense, which would contradict the economic principle of modern society, especially if the alternatives offered have no (recognizable) ) costs would come along, so there would be no monopoly profits.
Back to the initial question about browser crashes. I don't use Norton Security Browser and it isn't integrated into my Autostart-folder. Thus I can assume that the Norton Security Browser is not responsible for the crashes. I think it's more likely Norton 360° itself. Since apparently sensitive data are collected to create the DMP files, it cannot be ruled out that sensitive data beyond browser usage would be requested as well. It would be a situation where a program like Norton 360° should intervene. The question arises as to whose fault the crashes would be. The fault of the program which wants to force unauthorized access to user data or a program that prevents him from doing so.
I understand very well that Chrome and Edge open multiple instances on my PC as they should as they provide many different functions for different tabs.
That fact Norton Secure Browser also opens many instances was not my point. My point was that Norton Secure Browser opens at startup even though I tell it not to. Chrome and Edge obey my manual changes but Norton does not which is par for the course with them. Do you use Norton Safe Search in place of Google? I think Norton Safe Search is not a good product and I do not use those extensions including Norton Home Page but their product keeps asking me to install. How many times do I need to say no?
Superfluous for sure in that I do not need any more browsers and since there are many browsers that have been around for many years I feel more comfortable with the security they provide. I trust Microsoft and Google and have been using their products since the inception of each company. I also trust Norton but only in their antivirus line of software.
In my opinion Norton should stick to preventing malware and not venture into other areas like their crypto mining, driver update and other software that is best handled by others.
Since Opera is also a Chromium derivative and I have the same problems (albeit for a long time), I will continue to follow this post (Opera One, current version, Win10 Pro 32Bit).
- Opera crashes every hour at the latest, regardless of whether a website is open, is about to be opened or just the startup page is kept on standby, even without an existing internet connection.
- A DMP file is created in the Crash Reports->Reports folder every hour (size between 2.5 and 3.8 GB). This is the same size as a DMP file generated during system crashes, but these DMP files cannot be viewed using common tools.
- During these hourly crashes, the system freezes briefly and all hard drives, including external drives, are accessed.
- If a message appears stating that access to the personal account is not possible due to lack of authorization, an additional, significantly less extensive DMP file will be generated when the browser is restarted manually.
- If a crash occurs within the hourly cycle, no DMP file is created, but the DMP file created after an hour is regularly smaller than without a crash.
- If there is more than an hour between the time of the last DMP file (i.e. the crash) and the restart of the browser, the browser crashes at the latest when opening the first page and a DMP file is generated.
- Automatic crash report submission occurs regardless of whether it is enabled or disabled in the settings. However, if disabling is chosen, the possibility of additional explanations in the case of a successful automatic recovery will not be reported in the message of automatic recovery.
- If the transfer is successful, the DMP file is deleted (the forwarding was successfully prevented by manipulations in Windows, but the about:crash page has no longer been accessible since then). The fact that the DMP files now have to be deleted manually suggests that the option of not submitting these DMP files was never considered. The browser cleanup options in Settings also don't include the DMP files, nor do external programs like Norton Utilities.
Changing to chrome? Have a look at the task manager. Chrome opens 15 to 16 tasks as well (Opera the same). I as well don't use the Norton Secure Browser but isn't your argument ... superfluous at best? I got some reasons to prevent me from using chrome (and microsoft is a reason in itself to me).
@zotperson What specific update(s) are you referring to regarding Norton?
I find Norton Secure Browser to be superfluous at best.
I set it to not run at startup and it still did run opening as many as 10 or more different instances of the program. I uninstalled and removed all remnants and am back to Chrome and Edge and happy with both of those.
First of all remove Norton Secure Browser, I'm not sure but I think that's the culprit.
Then remove Chrome with all the browser data
Re-install chrome
This should solve the problem