Norton is Officially the most ANNOYING software I have EVER owned!

Every computer I have Norton 360 on in my home, including my phone, ipad, my laptop, my husband's laptop, iphone, ipad, constantly popping up to renew the software. I bought it from Amazon on sale and am waiting until the actual renewal time to update it. Norton wants your credit card number on file so they can auto renew at a much, much higher price.

It has gotten so [Removed], that I am actually considering throwing away the $24.99 I paid Amazon and going with a different antivirus software altogether. Since Lifelock bought Norton, all they do is pull pieces of the software out and sell it separately so they can make more money. They have become one of the most annoying marketing companies of all time! Multiple emails every day, now texts, popups. Aaaaaaarrrrgggggg!! leave me [Removed] alone!!!!!!

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