Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.
I tried messages 4 7 and 15 to no avail. The file will download, it just wont install. safe mode maybe?
I am using a Sony VAIO Laptop with Norton 360 installed ver I have Windows XP Service Pack 3 installed. When I run Live update (Luall) I get Error Message on 1 File only: (Norton 360 2008 Program Updates (English)). The error states LU1812 "A program failed as part of this update when it ran. The update was not applied.
I ran the solution to 1812:
1Click Start > Run.
2In the Run dialog box, type the following text: regsvr32 %windir%\system32\msxml3.dll
3Click OK.
4Do one of the following depending on the message that you see:
If you see the message "DllRegisterServer in C:\Windows\system32\msxml3.dll succeeded," go to Step 3.
Completed the process, restarted the computer, reran Live Update to include Luall and still get the same result. Software has been reinstalled twice by Norton techs. I dont have WINFAX.
HELP!!!! Frustrated owner :-(
Did you have any Norton product installed prior to the current Norton 360 v2? This could be important.
I suggest you run "mrt" from the run command. I suggest you find and temporarily rename your hosts file e.g hosts.ori. Usually in c\windows\system32\driverss\etc.
I am also sending you a Private Message look for the envelope at the top right of this thread.
>>Software has been reinstalled twice by Norton techs.>>
I was curious, what was the final advise given to you by the techs, did they fail to resolve your issue, was the case closed?
The techs said they are aware ome computers do this and are working on a patch. Cgoldman, I ran mrt and protection. Used NRT and reinstalled. STILL NO UPDATE. UGHHHH
Im at a loss
So am I !
Dont forget to rename your hosts file back. Can you please answer the question in msg 4, that is "did you have any Norton product installed prior to the current Norton 360 v2?
I am looking for anything that might affect liveupdate. Whe and where did you get the copy of Norton 360 that you have now installed twice?
In settings your symprotect tamper protection should still be off,is that right?
You may have to wait for Hunter to come back following your submission.
At this point I would go back to the beginning, LU1812 and reinstall MSXML
Then you must go here for Jgreen or someone to get you that workaround. You should post your request
First off, thanks for staying with me. I did not have any Norton Product installed prior to this one. I purchased and received my product online. I have two copies, one from my initial purchase, and one from which the tech reinstalled and I reinstalled it again last night after using the NRT.
symprotect tamper protection is still off. I reinstalled the MSXML even though i get the message that it registered successfully.
I will post at your link. The File downloads but it cannot update. Its in my cache, of which I deleted and tried to reinstall.
Oh dear. I was really hoping that when you followed msg 15 of that other thread that you might get a more extended msg, particularly with interactive as opposed to express.
You should also turn off "automatically exit at the end of session" in the Symantec Liveupdate control panel settings, so that you can scroll through the windows to see if anything else is reported.
Can I ask you to post the link to the original LU1812 article that you used. The reason I ask is that the one I found was NOT in respect of Norton 360 and was out of date. I am concerned as to whether you installed MSXML version 3 or 4. The link to 4 is msxml but you must satisfy yourself that it is applicable to your system and works. You might want to degister msxml first, and even then perhaps rename the dll. To unregister is regsvr32 /u the file. Be aware that v4 does not replace v3.
In my system I have both 3 and 4. My version 3 is SP9 (file version 8.90.1101.0). My version 4 is 4.0 SP2.
Look here for version and downloads etc link. Obviously you can right click your dll's and check out the version you have installed.
Alas, I am now exhausted of ideas.
Here goes.....Live Update ver Express Mode....Automatically Start session when live update is launched.....enhanced mode....the top radio buttons for each of FTP; HTTP and ISP....remove all files from cache...applied I receive LU1812 first (Link ) Did not do step 5 as it will reinstall different product from N360. then LU 1806 ( Link )
Next I unregistered (regsvr32 /u %windir%\system32\msxml3.dll) Installed msxml4 full pack. Registerd it (regsvr32 /u %windir%\system32\msxml4.dll) successfully.
I have theses msmxls installed:msxml2.dll, 2r, 3, 3a, 3r, 4, 4r, 6, 6r, a plain msmxl.dll and then a msxmlr.dll
I just reran Live update (LUALL) since successfully registering the msxml4.dll and now i get Web Prtection download complete and N360 program update failed
[edit: changed long links to hyperlinks for thread formatting.]
Just looked at my wifes computer, the only dll she has that i dont is msxml4a. Do i need to rereregister all my msmxls now?? I mean 3 3a 4 4r 6 etc???
For m
For me at least interesting because that LU1812 is different to the one I found. As you see it also is not for Norton 360
In your wording you used the same instruction to unregister and register i.e. you added the /u, do I assume typo?
When you previously said you reinstalled msxml, did you install version 3 Sp7 or other.
If you find those mxsml's and right mouse click on the file in Explorer, you can go to properties and version and see the file version.
If you let me know your version no's for 3 and 4, I can check against this.
When you say "then LU 1806", are you now saying that you are receiving a 2nd error whereas previously only the LU1812?
I would be tempted to run the pupdate again (sorry can do the link now and may have the name incomplete) will edit later if need be.
MSXML2 ver 8.30.9529.0
MSXML3 ver 3.0 SP9 8.90.1101.0
MSXML4 ver 4.0 SP2 4.20.9848.0
Yes typo... In Run I reregistered all numbers. Leters such as 3a 4r willl not register. Ran LUALL downloads file successfully. Installs unsuccessfully. Gives Installing Norton 360 program updates1 of 1 failed message 1812 this update was not applied; underneath another says installation failed, error summary 1806 try downloading at a later date.
It downloads the file but wont install it. Yesterday I installed N360 for my Dad on his Toshiba laptop w Vista successfully to and my wife's (similar to mine Sony VAIO, XP service pack 3 to
Frustrating as hades
New idea from another thread, lets just check please. Please "search" for regedit.exe and see where it is. If it is not in c:\windows
then it should be.
Also search for log.liveupdate*.* locate it and open with wordpad. i.e. right mouse click in Search Results, and pick "Open with"
Look for recent entries and see if any other information is provided that would indicate an issue.
I just sent you a message (look in upper right corner) on the bottom portion of my log
I actually dont see a problem. Can you check that scan works?
Did you run Microsoft malicious Software removal tool and Onecare scanner?
Yes I did. Infact I ran spybot and downloaded dial a fix as well. Im going to reinstall the software and send a new log
email me at {removed} I have the entire log file I'd like you to look at. Its too large to send you in a u2u or private message
[edit: removed for your security and privacy, please use the forums PM system if you wish to convery an email address to another user.]
Progress Update: PATCH_ERROR: Patch File: “C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\LiveUpdate\Downloads\1213333276jtun_n3600502.x00.full.zip”, Script File: “C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\LiveUpdate\Downloads\Updt194\N360.DIS”, HR: 0x802A0023
7/28/2008, 0:22:23 GMT -> EVENT - PRODUCT UPDATE FAILED EVENT - Update available for Norton 360 program updates - - English. Update for Update takes product from update 0 to 20080502. Server name - liveupdate.symantecliveupdate.com, Update file - 1213333276jtun_n3600502.x00, Signer - cn=Symantec Corporation,ou=Usage - spr1sgnwebpin01 token,ou=Locality - Springfield,ou=Product Group - LiveUpdate,ou=SymSignature,o=Symantec Corporation, package install code 0. The Update executed with a result code of 1812, => The install script for this update was unable to launch a file it needed. LiveUpdate aborted the update install.
7/28/2008, 0:22:24 GMT ->CSendHttpRequest::SendRequest() successfully impersonated the COM client (revert on destroy).
7/28/2008, 0:22:24 GMT -> CSendHttpRequest::SendRequest() successfully impersonated the COM client (revert on destroy).
7/28/2008, 0:22:24 GMT -> Progress Update: PATCH_FINISH: Patch File: “C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\LiveUpdate\Downloads\1213333276jtun_n3600502.x00.full.zip”, Script File: “C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\LiveUpdate\Downloads\Updt194\N360.DIS”, HR: 0x802A0