I just got (2/4/16) the email to upgrade (for free) to Norton Security if I upgraded from what I had before the automatic subscription renewal comes due, with up to 10 devices possible.
It worked fine for my 2 iMacPro laptops, and I suspect it will work for my iMac. However, once installed, clicking the link to get it for my iPhones and iPads led to the Apple App Store and asked me to "Get" Norton Mobile Security - Lost Phone Finder.
There are 64 Reviews for Norton Mobile Security - Lost Phone Finder, with an average of 1.5 Stars (of a possible 5.0) . Most calling it a waste of time and memory space and how Norton should be ashamed for creating an App that doesn't bring the AntiVirus and Scans to the iOS.
Norton Security uninstalled what I had before. Which included AntiVirus, and more.
My question is: What options do I have to get back to where I was?