Norton Mobile Suddenly not Trusting App

AOl, which Verizon customers now have for their email, has suddenly stopped being marked 100%  secure for privacy on the Norton mobile app. When I installed it a few weeks ago the Aol app was trusted. It now says my privacy is at risk because AOl follows my location. I don't want to spend $30 for the Norton molbile app that protects your privacy. Why is it suddenly not 100% secure--only 74% secure. I marked AOL as trusted and got 100% secure again. Should I have done this?  A few weeks ago. when I first installed the Norton Mobile app, I took the Fox News Channel off as it was also marked as not secure for privacy as it followed one's location. Any advice?


PS It also said the Aol app drained my battery, which I haven't noticed.

Sorry, I may have spoken too soon. I have been looking into changing app permissions and it can depend on your device and Android version whether of not you can turn off the location per app. 

For the location issue, you could always turn off location for the whole device, if you do not need it for other apps. 

You might be able to use the app's own settings to change location settings. 

The main point I made was that you can make an informed decision about whether you trust the app with the permissions it is requesting.


How do I turn off location of the app. I went to settings but can't find where to turn off location of app.



The privacy findings NMS reports are to enable you to make an informed decision about allowing the app on your device.

If it reports it follows your location, you can always turn off location of the app, then trust it to bring your report up to 100% again. Same goes for if the app want to send data for analytics. Given the information, you can decide if you trust the developers of that app. If you do, trust the app. If not, do not install it and look for an alternative.