Just purchased a multiple subscription to Norton Wifi Privacy and it is the latest version for Mac 1.4.10, and the latest version for Windows 10.
Version 1.4.10 was supposed to take care of the bug that required signing in after every reboot, however, the app still requires me to log in every time after reboot.
1. I'm using the latest version of Mac OS and also using the Norton CORE product and Norton Security 7.8.0
2. Our Windows 10 notebooks don't have this problem.
3. The Mac Firewall is ON. I also tried with Mac Firewall OFF. No difference.
4. I have the Norton CORE router reserve an IP address for this Mac Notebook.
5. Same problem whether using Norton CORE WiFi and WiFi on the road.
6. This problem was supposed to be addressed by the latest update, but was not. See Norton Product Update Announcement PDF attached below.
Any ideas? Ready to cancel the service since I can't rely on this product.
Thanks, in advance, for your assistance.