Norton Private Browser does not reopen

Norton Private Browser does not re-open. clicking the link to open doesn’t work. looking in task manager there’s multiple processes running and they cannot be killed. The only way to get the browser to work again is to restart the computer. I’ve already reinstalled the browser. Getting to the point of uninstalling and stop using. This started happening recently.

OS details: Windows 10

Do you have Norton Browser set as default browser & default start with Windows?
Have you tried Norton Browser not as default browser & not starting with Windows?
Have you tried Norton Browser - Preload pages disabled?

Yes, I have Norton Browser set as default browser & default start with Windows.

Have not tried Norton Browser not as default browser & default not start with Windows.

have not tried Norton Browser - Preload pages disabled.

try to quiet Norton Browser as much as possible

sorry those weren’t questions. have not tried the second two

Sorry, we’re cross posting.
Maybe, try to quiet Norton Browser as much as possible…see if Private Browser feels better on your machine.

graphics accelerator off
allow sponsored content off
swipe between pages off
energy saver off
quick launch off

turned off preloading pages. will try that first see how that goes. thanks.

default launch when your computer starts feels heavy and not needed
you can call Private Browser after your desktop has fully loaded.

are you v131.0.27894.265?

Yes, Version 131.0.27894.265 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Will try out those settings

Norton Private Browser is not my daily rider.
Norton Private Browser on spare machine for testing.