Norton Removal Tool?



Does size really matter....


The newest Norton Removal Tool offered at this link is only 948 kb.....


Norton Removal Tool uninstalls all Norton 2003 - 2010 products ~ is only 948 kb


You can get the removal tool from here, if you want to remove NIS 2010 by all means:


Norton Removal Tool  > DOCID:  20080828154508EN
Operating System:   Windows Vista,Windows XP
Last modified:  09/10/2009



previous Norton Removal Tool I saved > File version: 2009.0.5.41 ~  is 2.77MB 


Is it possible newest Tool is only 948 kb ?  



Does it make sense newest Norton Removal Tool to Uninstall 2003 - 2010 is 1/3 the size ?


Does size really matter ?


