I am a Mac user and have a Macbook Air. With the recent upgrade my Safari web-browser has lost the visible Norton Security Safe Site display in the toolbar. How do i get it back?
I am a Mac user and have a Macbook Air. With the recent upgrade my Safari web-browser has lost the visible Norton Security Safe Site display in the toolbar. How do i get it back?
https://safeweb.norton.com/report/show_mobile?name=turtlecreekborough.us = Warning
https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/www.turtlecreekborough.us = Site is Outdated
turtlecreekborough.us - VirusTotal = 1 security vendor flagged this URL as malicious [here]
We'll try to call attention.
Norton Safe Web analyzes and rates websites to see how they affect your device.
As a site owner or a site visitor, you can submit the website for the Norton Safe Web rating evaluation.
Please follow the steps below for site rating dispute:
- Go to https://safeweb.norton.com
- Enter the website you want us to evaluate in the search field and press Enter
- Click on "Click here to submit a dispute"
- Enter the required details in the form and click on Submit button
Safe Web portal - https://safeweb.norton.com/
Use this form to submit URL which you believe is incorrectly classified by Norton -
Safe Web URL submission portal - https://submit.norton.com/?type=URL