Norton Safe Web Verification

We have attempted both the meta and file verification for our site hxxp:// and both are returning errors of being unable to verify. Not sure what else to do in order to get verification completed.



<<Edit: Disable active link to potentially hazardous website>>

Thanks, I don’t understand why Norton don’t have a meta tag alternative to the .html option like Google site verification. It must lead to a lot of unnecessary work.

Hello roymstat,


That was a good suggestion for a meta tag alternative and in fact, Norton Safe Web has just introduced it. The updated instructions are now included in the registration confirmation email.


In viewing your source code, I can see your authentication code, but is it shorter than the normal code. Assuming your code begins with agekhj9..  it is only 87 characters long instead of the usual 128 characters.


Could you check that and let me know? Some web site building programs limit the number of characters that can be inserted into the keywords tag. Adding this code to your existing keywords may have exceeded the limit.

Yes, it probably has exceeded the limit. I didnt receive the email about verification when I requested it. Could you forward it to me so I can do the meta tag code myself?



I read in previous posts that if you can't upload a file to the root directory it needs a manual verifaction from the Norton team. I've loaded the file into my keywords metatag at Am I correct in my assumption? Could you verify the site for me?





I can't guarantee that this will work for you since you registered prior to the change, however these are the current instructions if you would like to give it a try.


"Copy the following meta tag and paste it into your Web site's home page. It should go in the <head> section, before the first <body> section."


<meta name="norton-safeweb-site-verification"content="ab01234cdef-567-gh89....(your unique code)"/>


Obviously you can't copy what you didn't receive, but you can create a new meta tag with the name  norton-safeweb-site-verification , and the content to include your code.


Once that is complete, Save / Publish your home page.

Now, log back into Norton Safe Web > My Profile > Site Dispute and you should see the name of your website and three options listed under Action.


Click on "verify site ownership”.


A reminder message may pop up asking you to confirm that you have placed the authentication file in your Root Folder or placed the meta tag.  Click OK.


You should then see "ownership verified" under "Status"





If you still are unable to verify ownership, let me know and we'll try "Plan B".

Hi Phil


Thanks - that's worked. Thanks for your help.



Hi roymstat,


If you consider your question answered to your satisfaction, please mark this thread solved by clicking on the green solution button of the post which solved your issue, that way other viewers know that your question has been answered and can see the solution directly. Thanks :-)

Message Edited by Yaso_Kuuhl on 11-26-2009 12:47 PM

Thanks for trying that, Roy.


I was not sure it would complete since you registered prior to the new system, but your feedback is much appreciated.


Best wishes for your website!

Hello osfpro,


I assume you are trying to get the Unsafe Rating changed?


The meta tag has multiple line breaks and a space at the end:


<meta name="norton-safeweb-site-verification"
mf2-6zr0jk3md3ef9se98km.......................0gx6i0ehyegf45j" />


See if you can make the code one continous line and remove the space between  j" />


<meta name="norton-safeweb-site-verification" content="w0kij80tqz9kzbyyl4........0gx6i0ehyegf45j"/>


After changing the code, try the verification process and let us know.



Hi osfpro,


Thanks for adding the auth code in a meta tag on your site. We have verified owership of your site '' based on the meta tag.


Hello hearthsmart and welcome!


Your Safe Web meta tag looks properly formatted and placed. I do not know why the ownership verification process is failing.


Can you double check that the spelling of the website which you submitted to Safe Web is an exact match, letter for letter with the URL you have posted?


In the mean time, I will notify the Safe Web team of your issue. Allow them a day or two to respond back to you in this thread.


To be notified by email when a reply is posted, go to My Settings > Preferences and check the box for: "Automatically Subscribe Me to Topics I Participate In".



Hi Michael,


 I have verified owership & queued up your website '' for analysis, soon new rating will be reflected in

