I have attempted both the meta for our site http://bticreations.com and www://bticreations.com/BTIMNGT and both are returning errors of being unable to verify. Not sure what else to do in order to get verification completed.
Referring to bticreations, I can see that your meta tag is indeed on one line is not split (good thing). However, there are 129 characters in the authentication code (content). The normal number is 128.
Could you check your alphanumeric code and insert the the correct authentication code?
Then, try to verify again and let me know.
I am not able to reach the second link you provided.
1) Since the authentication code has been edited to 128 characters, please confirm that this is the correct alpha numeric code that was originally sent to you.
2) Please double check the spelling of the URL which you submitted to Safe Web to be sure it matches your website address letter for letter.
It seems that you have registered a wrong website 'b.t.i.creativemanagement' instead of 'bticreations.com' with safeweb.norton. Can you delete 'b.t.i.creativemanagemen' and register 'bticreations.com'
Thanks for adding metatag on your website. I have verified owership & queued up your website 'bticreations.com' for analysis, soon new rating will be reflected in safeweb.norton.com.