Norton SafeCam

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Issue abstract: Norton Safe Cam option not available

Detailed description: I downloaded Norton Deluxe 360 on my Samsung Galaxy S24; however, how do I turn on the SafeCam option to know if someone is accessing my camera without me knowing?

Product & version number: Norton Deluxe 360

OS details: Android - Samsung Galaxy S24

Thank you for your reply, is there any other way I would know if my camera is being accessed on my phone?

Hello @user2945
lets ask @peterweb

How to know if someone is watching you through your phone camera

That was a very helpful link.

If the spyware scan shows no malware, would that be an indication that my camera is safe from someone else accessing it?

thank you @bjm @peterweb, look forward to hearing

Also one last thing, if there was past malware or remote access to my camera - would that be detected if it is not longer actively being accessed?

That would be a good indication that you would not have to worry about your camera or microphone being hijacked. Especially if you have had Norton installed since the device was new.

How can you tell if the camera is active? This Google Support article explains that there is a little green icon that you should see if the camera is active. And tapping on that icon brings up a dialog that tells you what app is using it. Check if your Android camera or microphone is on or off - Android Help.

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