Norton Safeweb Debate needs to come to an end

Sorry if I post this in the wrong section, I'm new here. Anyways, you may or may not have noticed the debate. It is getting unbearable. For starters, Brothersoft officials and reviewers are starting to become very hostile towards each other. Mainly because Brothersoft has been using bots to give 5 star reviews to themselves and report and thumb down the reviewers who are giving it a low rating. This has been going on for quite a while, and it makes me angry to go on the most helpful reviews of all time and see bot approved (we're talking 80+) reviews for brothersoft. The community would appreciate it if you brought this uncivil debate to an end, it has gone too far. First of all, we would like it if our reviews stopped getting deleted when we cite a source proving brothersoft has a virus. Secondly, we only want humans reviewing, not spambots. Thirdly, I think it would be very helpful if you banned the spambots. Thank you for taking your time to read this, you may not think this is an important issue, but to safeweb this is over the top and ridiculous.


Britton30 wrote:



This forum is becoming a constant source of amusement... :smileyvery-happy: :smileyvery-happy: :smileyvery-happy:

Krusty13 wrote:



This forum is becoming a constant source of amusement... :smileyvery-happy: :smileyvery-happy: :smileyvery-happy:

Amazing, simply amazing, eh?

....And this gem !



Britton30 wrote:

Krusty13 wrote:



This forum is becoming a constant source of amusement... :smileyvery-happy: :smileyvery-happy: :smileyvery-happy:

Amazing, simply amazing, eh?

How is this "amusing"?  Brothersoft has been repeatedly complained by many people as being laden with viruses.  I once downloaded a driver from Brothersoft, which Norton flagged as being malicious.

This really needs to get fixed. I am disappointed in the lack of caring on Norton's part. I never wished to get insulted for proving Brothersoft has viruses. Someone just please end this! That's all I'm asking. It's ridiculous and needs to stop. If you continue to ignore this then you are letting spam bots take over Safeweb.

Kyuun is discussing what appears to be an effort by brothersoft loyalists to skew the customer reviews of the site on Norton Safe Web so that the overall rating looks more favorable than it otherwise would.  Looking at some of the posts there, this sounds like a valid topic to me,

Hello Kyuun,

I am sorry you took offence.

My amusement came from Britton30's comment and not your original post.

As such I should have kept my opinion to myself.  I never meant to offend you.

So now I will bow out of this conversation.  I hope you get the help you need.



Krusty13 wrote:

Hello Kyuun,

I am sorry you took offence.

My amusement came from Britton30's comment and not your original post.

As such I should have kept my opinion to myself.  I never meant to offend you.

So now I will bow out of this conversation.  I hope you get the help you need.



My bad too. In fact this is the first time I ever heard of Brothersoft, so I visited their site. Kyuun your post led me to believe there was some really big news or Norton-bashing there but, I found nothing. The events you referred to are still unknown to me. Send of Jive's post helped me understand what you're trying to say.

Hi Britton30,


In my post I linked to the Norton Safe Web page hosting the user/reviewer comments on brothersoft (which runs on for 18 pages).  I have always known brothersoft to be flagged as a dodgy site by most site rating services, so it is very curious to see so many glowing reviews nestled in among the more common negative ones.

I am very sorry if I made anyone feel bad or like they did something wrong. I should of probably been more specific. But being on Norton Safeweb for a year now, I was very angry that Brothersoft kept having legitimate reviews deleted.

Back on the subject of this, they are showing no signs of quitting. They are reporting reviews rating them low as "spam", I do not know how/why Safeweb is deleting our reviews and not theirs. I am thinking IP bans might need to be put in place soon if they are going to keep creating accounts to make themselves look mighty and insult some of the greatest members... This has been going on for far too long like I said. I thought they stopped 32 days ago exactly- but they came back with their usual pattern--- Insulting valid users who rate the site red, reporting red reviews, and spamming green ratings. They are pretty easy to spot, their reviews all have awful grammar with 50+ "yes" ratings. I just now noticed the huge amount of red ratings, but it's apparently not enough to lower it back where it was before. Here is evidence of over 40 trojans plus some other malicious script:

I don't know why it was switched to green. This Brothersoft Debate is beyond comprehension. It's practically  a huge flame war. Some people went as far as to make puppet accounts to alert people, but most puppets have been banned thanks to brothersoft.


Kyuun wrote:

This really needs to get fixed. I am disappointed in the lack of caring on Norton's part. I never wished to get insulted for proving Brothersoft has viruses. Someone just please end this! That's all I'm asking. It's ridiculous and needs to stop. If you continue to ignore this then you are letting spam bots take over Safeweb.

Kyun -- What you write now makes clear what you meant by your original post. I must say I was puzzled like others as to what we users or even Norton itself could do about a quarrel within another company -- Brothersoft.


It's still not entirely clear to me what you think Norton can do or in what way Brothersoft is misleading the system by which Norton determines a site to be safe or not ...


If there are weaknesses that someone is exploiting I'm sure Norton would want to know but I certainly did not understand why you posted what you did originally.

I'm just curious, did you see my previous post?

I think Norton should be able to

1) Remove Spambots

2) Stop deleting reviews of users rating Brothersoft red

I'm sorry if I seem rude right now, but I am speaking on behalf of atleast six safeweb reviewers. You may not understand the pain that Brothersoft has been causing, but it really is causing too much drama for such a small community.

This review pretty much explains everything that's happening:

Hi Kyuun,

I dont' believe Norton, or any site, can remove bots from another site. They most likely are on a few people's PC's and not on the BS site. They can work unabated and may involve others' PCs in a botnet to attack at will.


Kyuun wrote:

I'm just curious, did you see my previous post?

I think Norton should be able to

1) Remove Spambots

2) Stop deleting reviews of users rating Brothersoft red

I'm sorry if I seem rude right now, but I am speaking on behalf of atleast six safeweb reviewers. You may not understand the pain that Brothersoft has been causing, but it really is causing too much drama for such a small community.

This review pretty much explains everything that's happening:

If you were asking me the first message of yours on this topic is



I am glad to report that Brothersoft has been given a big red X by Norton!!!


Threat Report

Total threats found: 21


 Viruses (what's this?)

Threats found: 21 Here is a sample: (for more information about a specific threat, click on the Threat Name below)

Threat Name:Spyware.Keylogger
Threat Name:Spyware.Keylogger
Threat Name:Spyware.Keylogger
Threat Name:Spyware.FreeKeylogger
Threat Name:Spyware.KeyStalker
Threat Name:Spyware.KGBSpy
Threat Name:WS.Reputation.1
Threat Name:WS.Reputation.1
Threat Name:WS.Reputation.1
Threat Name:WS.Reputation.1