Norton Sandbox

Hey Norton’s here is a great idea, seeing that the Windows 10 creator’s update hadn’t included sandbox in all versions of Windows 10, you jump in either with an update, or a new version of Norton’s Security with the Norton Security Sandbox. This way certain types of Windows users will have their actual Windows 10 O/S protected from harm, and as usual I will be on that alpha/beta team, and GIVING it my usual workout by going to the dark web, and seeing how well it can handle that!

Norton security products already utilise a sandbox  -

And because legitimate programs don’t do these things, Norton software can figure out if a new file is a threat or not simply by letting it run in a sealed-off virtual machine environment — or “sandbox” — and watching what happens. The file in question doesn’t have any way to distinguish between the sandbox and a real, unprotected system, so it does whatever it’s designed to do — all without harming the user’s computer or data.

“Based on the behaviors we see in the sandbox, we can make a determination as to whether that software is trustworthy or not,” Blake says.

PLUS you can beat every other company that does the same thing you do with malware to the PUNCH! :slight_smile:

I can only see this idea being perfect for Norton to do, would save tons of workloads off of your programmers that write up the new .dat files for Norton Security.

Plus users still using Windows 7, & 8 can have sandbox too. :slight_smile: