Norton Save and Restore (and ghost) My Documents Backup

I have Norton Save and Restore 2.0 and recently bought Ghost 15.  I have NSR on my home computer on a vista partition.  I have two other hard drives so I have about 8 named drive letter partitions, including a Windows 7 installation on one of those other hard drives.


In NSR on my Vista system I have defined a scheduled My Computer Backup and a scheduled My Documents Backup.  The my computer backup is set for the C drive where Vista resides.  The My Documents Backup is intended to backup only my documents for the vista installation where NSR resides. HOWEVER, in "Run or Manage Backups", My Documents Backup lists every partition on the computer (8) and it looks like when it runs that it tries to backup any documents of the selected types on other drives besides C.

This is idiotic, and there appears no way to specify backing up My Documents for "Local Disk (C:\)" ONLY.

Is there any fix for this?

