Norton Security problems with Windows 7's Windows XP Mode


I recently I installed Norton Security on the Windows XP mode virtual machine of my Windows 7 PC, but I'm having some problems with it.

Whenever I start the PC and have the "Integration features" enabled the following problems occur:

  • I'm unable to open the Norton security user interface (using the tray icon or the desktop/start menu shortcuts). The tray icon context menu also doesn't show.
  • After a while I get a window from Norton reporting error "8506, 421" saying that it's searching for a correction for the problema, but it apparantly get's stuck in "verifying the installation"
  • In task manager I can see that the CPU usage is at 100% with the NS.exe process(running with the SYSTEM accout) at about 75% and the System process at about 25%.

I found out that this problem doesn't happen if I start the XP mode virtual machine with the integration features disabled.

Previously I had Norton Internet security installed on XP mode and didn't have any problems.

I found an article online for the "8506, 421" error:

I followed the procesure of running the removal tool, running the power eraser and reinstalling Norton security, but the problem remains.

Also I have a normal a normal PC Windows XP, and I notices what could be the same problem. If I connect to it via remote desktop, I get the same symptoms. Since the XP mode integration features the remote desktop technology underneath, I though they could be the same problem.