Norton Security Suite--Access denied--You need to be an Administrator

Using Norton Security Suite via Comcast, Windows 7 Professional 64-bit.


For several months, once a month, I've manually run a Comprehensive Scan on NSS in my standard user account. No problems. It's set to do and still does a Quick Scan daily with no problems.


Today I go to manually run the Comprehensive Scan, and NSS responds: "Access Denied-- You need to be an Administrator to perform this action."  It immediately launches what is apparently some form of a Quick Scan. (If I let it run, it scans about 275,000 files instead of the 1,500,000 it would otherwise scan in Comprehensive.) Of course, I am the Administrator, so I try closing Norton, right-clicking Norton Security Suite, choosing Run as Administrator, enter the Administrator password correctly, which it accepts, go to run a Comprehensive Scan, and get the same message. Rebooting into the standard user doesn't help.


Rebooting into the Administrator user account does allow a Comprehensive Scan, however, this doesn't’t scan every file on the hard drives—only about 475,000.


What gives? What changed?  Why could I do a Comprehensive Scan and scan every file before in the standard user account but not now? Why doesn't it work when I run as Administrator in the standard user account?

From main page of NSS, > Settings > Administrative Settings.  Under Product Security is Non-Admins Access To Settings set to it's default setting of OFF?

Thank you!  You nailed it.  Setting Non-admins access to On solved the problem.  I don't know how it got reset to Off because I obviously changed it to On at installation and forgot about it, but it did.


For any lurkers later trying to solve this one, I had to reboot into the Administrator user account to change this setting.  Administrative Settings was grayed out on the standard user account with this setting on the default option of Off.


Thanks again, yank.



Glad you got it sorted!  :smileyvery-happy: