Norton Security Suite - Backup Completes, but message is "backup not completed recently"

Norton Security Suited (Comcast/Xfinity Version keeps alerting that backup has not run recently.  I run backup, but it keeps alerting the backup has not completed recently.  Sometimes I get a message that files may be open.  However, I have closed all applications.  How do I fix this.  Should I ignore the message an assume backup is ok?





If you go here:

drop down to Features and Benefits, under Backup and Restore you will see asterisks  which when checked out will state :


AsteriskThis feature is not available with the Norton Suite but it is available with Secure Backup and Share. For more info click here.



So how do we fix this?  I'm backing up to an external hard drive.

I never been able to use the Comcast version but I always thought local backups would work and it was just the online backup that was not availible.

If the local backup is availible in your version you should have a "Norton Backup Drive" in "Computer" or My Computer" that lets you browse and explore the backup set.


If thats the case and your version is able to make local backups, go to "tasks" and then click "check security history".

Change the top box using the arrow to "Backup".

You should see all your backup runs,  Highlight one that shows an error and click "more details" (lower right).


Does it tell you what the problem was?


Hi Dave,


I played around some with my Norton Security Suite Backup. 


I  have the Norton Backup Drive listed on  Computer, when I use Explore, it shows 2 locations (C: and H:)  Which are the correct locatons.   H:/ is my external USB HDD which is connected for the following information.  Disconnecting H:/ , as expected, removes Default Location H:/ from Computer.


When I click on the Default Location H:  It shows just the default set on C:/


When I click on the Default Location C: it strangely takes me to C://Users


I have verified there are backup files within  the N 360 Backup folder on the external HDD and I can go to the folder on it labeled N360 Backup and it contains what I have backed up.


I can also go to the N 360 Backup Folder on C: using Windows Explorer and locate the most recent backup - it appears the previous backups  are being replaced (or at least the folder's date is being updated)  by the latest backup.


I do not have my external drive connected all the time (I connect it when it is time to backup - monthly on the 1st, let the system idle and run the backup and then I disconnect it).  when I disconnect the External drive, the Where in the Manage Backup Sets Summary, goes to "No Backup Location Selected".  However as soon as I connect the external drive, it displays H:/ as the backup location.


Also the backups, to both H:/ and C:/ both show in History > Backup.  I do not have any errors listed, so could not verify the "more details" will supply errors - but that is how all the other history items work, so there is no reason for that to be different.


Just curios if the backup not complted recently is caused by more than one backup set being created and only one being run.  I'm thinking, I create 2 backup sets A & B.  I run A on a regular basis and it completes and shows as complete.  However I do not run B for X amount of time and Norton decides "backup has not run recently" and displays an alert?? 


I would imagine this "alert" woudl be the same as in N 360, so does anyone on the N 360 side have more info??



I'm not too familiar with the 360 backup, I only have 360 installed on a test that I don't use very often.

But I have used all the betas for the last few years and I know I have had more than one backup set going at the same time.

Under "manage backup sets" you want to make sure they are not set to manual, as long as they are set to automatic, weekly or monthly I don't think you should get the warning.

On the "summary" screen you select the backup "job" in the drop down box (if you have more than one) and then go to "when".


If for some reason you only want to manually run them and you want to stop the warning you go to:

Settings > Administrative Settings > Product State Monitoring > Configure

There you can uncheck the backup monitoring, but you really should leave that on and let the backups run automatically or weekly.


When your exploring your backup set through the backup drive, you first enter the backup set you want to browse.

Mine is the default name and I'm backing up to the D drive so it's called "Default Set on D"


When you enter that, you see "C:", but thats not your actual C drive, thats your backup set.   It's just showing you the actual path where those files came from.  So if you click through "users" etc, etc, you are viewing the backed up files and your able to see them in a readable format.  You control what files and folders you want in your backup by using the "What" tab under manage backup.


If you ever look in the actual backup folder N360_Backup, you will see that the files are all encrypted and you can't tell what the file names even are.  Viewing then through the norton backup drive lets you see them unencrypted so you know what they are and it gives you a quick and easy way to restore files.  You can drag them out of the backup drive onto your desktop or somewhere and they end up restored (unencrypted and expanded).



Dave thanks for the feedback - as time permits I will pursure this more.  Thanks for sharing your knowledge, I am trying to convert it to Norton Security Suite behavior and very curious of the differences (if any).