Hi Dave,
I played around some with my Norton Security Suite Backup.
I have the Norton Backup Drive listed on Computer, when I use Explore, it shows 2 locations (C: and H:) Which are the correct locatons. H:/ is my external USB HDD which is connected for the following information. Disconnecting H:/ , as expected, removes Default Location H:/ from Computer.
When I click on the Default Location H: It shows just the default set on C:/
When I click on the Default Location C: it strangely takes me to C://Users
I have verified there are backup files within the N 360 Backup folder on the external HDD and I can go to the folder on it labeled N360 Backup and it contains what I have backed up.
I can also go to the N 360 Backup Folder on C: using Windows Explorer and locate the most recent backup - it appears the previous backups are being replaced (or at least the folder's date is being updated) by the latest backup.
I do not have my external drive connected all the time (I connect it when it is time to backup - monthly on the 1st, let the system idle and run the backup and then I disconnect it). when I disconnect the External drive, the Where in the Manage Backup Sets Summary, goes to "No Backup Location Selected". However as soon as I connect the external drive, it displays H:/ as the backup location.
Also the backups, to both H:/ and C:/ both show in History > Backup. I do not have any errors listed, so could not verify the "more details" will supply errors - but that is how all the other history items work, so there is no reason for that to be different.
Just curios if the backup not complted recently is caused by more than one backup set being created and only one being run. I'm thinking, I create 2 backup sets A & B. I run A on a regular basis and it completes and shows as complete. However I do not run B for X amount of time and Norton decides "backup has not run recently" and displays an alert??
I would imagine this "alert" woudl be the same as in N 360, so does anyone on the N 360 side have more info??