Norton SONAR is deleting my programs...HELP!

Let me start by saying I am NOT computer literate!  I'm that chick that knows just enough to mess it up.  However, we have always used NIS at my office, with no issues.  Yesterday, I tried to use my Adobe Illustrator file and it said illustrator.exe was no longer available.  I had to uninstall then re-install it.  No issues after that.  We use Filemaker Pro for all of our records.  I got out of it to make a back up and it wouldn't let me access the program.  It showed that Norton SONAR had deleted the program.  I had to uninstall/re-install and SONAR did it again.  I have now had to turn off NIS and reload the program.  I need to know if there is a way that I can fix this issue.  Somebody help!

