Norton Status Window keeps opening over current programs

This issue only just started today.

My Norton status window has started to open randomly by itself and shoves its way in front of any other program I have open. It reopens somewhat quickly after closing the window to try to get rid of it. Nothing is red, everything is green/says I'm protected/everything is up to date/etc. I just ran a malware program to make sure I didn't randomly get anything from a site I'd visited from an E-mail. It was a link (from an order confirmation e-mail) directly to the Square Store to check the status of an order.  I have no idea why I would've picked up any malware in that activity, but I checked anyway.

This is the window I'm talking about.

I've been trying to replicate how and why it's been happening, but haven't gotten it down to any one situation/trigger yet. I run games windowed, and alt+tab a lot to check Discord. But, it opened on computer restart after only having opened Discord. By the way (if it matters at all) I've had Discord in administrative mode for a little while after trying to solve some connectivity issues a couple months ago. When I try to Un-administrative mode Discord, the box is already unchecked... despite Discord is still in administrative mode. I've been considering uninstalling/reinstalling Discord to fix that if it is making Norton act wierd.... but, I've had it set up like that for a while now. And only just today did Norton start throwing that dashboard window in my face.

Is it something as simple as having to sign in to the PC client..? I don't know why it would have signed me out, but... I'm honestly paranoid as hell about typing my login information into that window with the client acting so oddly right now.

Edit: fixed some grammar..

Good news. Thanks for posting back with progress as well. Norton may have released a fix which would have been automatically installed when the product checks for updates on its on periodically. 


This issue seems to have calmed down some. I haven't seen it occur in several days.

I'm experiencing this annoying problem on both of my computers.
It started on 10/26/23 after the latest Norton update.

Issue: Norton window randomly pops up, interrupting anything I'm working on. Happens randomly every few hours.
Window states "You are protected" everything is green.

Norton Security Version
Windows 10 64 bit

I've had my computer on no more than 10 minutes, opened a game and alt-tabbed to check internet tabs. And a Norton status window already popped up.  Even if I allow it to stay 'open,' and just minimize it... it returns front and center after a few moments. This is nothing short of wildly annoying, and if it persists more than another week I'm going to be forced to consider alternatives for anti-virus protection.

The main thing that concerns me is that I've seen other threads talking about similar issues, and they contain pictures showing similar things as I have been seeing on my PC. Some of these similar threads, however, have posts that date as far back as February of this year (2023).  Is this a problem that was fixed/addressed and has now resurfaced after several months? Or has it been an actual ongoing thing since February that I've been fortunate enough to have not experienced until now?

IMA that I also use Norton Security Ultra and N360 respectively, I haven't see this happen as of this posting. 


Hello. Norton is aware of this specific issue, its reported in other threads as well. The N360 products are having a myriad of issues currently, this is one of them. Please follow the forums closely for something from Norton regarding a fix.