Norton subscription

Hi,Automatic subscription renews 35 days before the subscription expires or on the subscription expiration date?

Hello coriander and welcome!


Yes, please wait until a day or two before expiration before using the new product key. Otherwise you will lose any remaining days.


You state that there is a discrepancy between the expiration date on your Norton Account as compared to your product?


There is the possibility that your Norton product is showing the incorrect number of days left.  In the main Norton interface, you should go to Support > Subscription Status to synchronize your product with the Symantec servers.


Thanks for that advice Phil. Looked at support/sub page and it confirms 27 days remaining.

I guess it is not important that the 'My Account' page shows I have no norton product and in fact

shows 'expired', I only logged onto that site out of curiosity and rarely look at it.

Have used Norton for many years, maybe 6/7. so my account page should be functional.

Hello corlander


Your MyNortonAccount page should have the correct information on it. Did you perhaps have another Norton Account page if your email address changed for instance. I would recommend that you contact customer support using the free chat program and have them fix the discrepency. Here is the link for customer support for the US/Can. If you need another location please let us know.

This is the link for US/Can. If you need a different location, please consult your local Symantec site for the local free chat customer support link.




Please come back and let us know how you made out. Thanks.

Quite correct with your suggestion, have used 2 email addresses, in fact had difficulty logging on

to My Account as both addresses were recognised. Still unsure which is the correct one to use.

Forgot to mention, need site for UK

All sorted! When applying for new password I was sent two, after installing 2nd one 'My Account'

showing correctly. Thanks again for your help. Know where to come to next time.

Hello corlander


Thanks for coming back and giving us an update. I'm glad you got it all sorted now.. If you consider your problem to be solved, would you please mark the post which gave you the solution. Then any one else looking to solve a problem like yours will be able to find the solution quickly. Thanks.

Many thanks floplot.

Hello corlander


You are very welcome. Please come back any time you have another problem. Thanks.

Auto renew can be triggered up to 45-55 days in advance. 

That means that they got connect with their Norton Product via yours, well if you don't share your Norton Key or email address with password everything should run smooth and steady, please if anything happens like you friends ask you something you don't know about your Norton product please do ask customer support and they can give the the right and secure advises.


Kamrul Hassan

I thought it would be strange as their pc is on a different network. Someone obviously was telling fibs.

I went round to my friends house and installed norton and just signed in to the product with my log in details. I didn't tell him my password for my norton account and logged out afterwards. When i pressed sign in again all that was left was my email address on the sign in page

Agreed. Unless you have some network connection to your friend's computer, not just emails, their system cannot infect yours.


I too can’t see that happening unless they’re somehow connected other than with the Norton key. However if you have to give the person your Norton log in details for the key to work then they have access to your account which wouldn’t be recommended.