How do I solve this problem: A representative of Norton Tech Support remotely downloaded and registerd Norton SystemWorks 12.0 Basic on my computer in 12-2008. Since then, none of SystemWorks features have worked (I was using SystemWorks 11.0) before the download in DEcember 2008. Everytime I try to run any feature of SystemWorks 12.0 I get the message “Product stopped working, look for a solution online.” When I click on “look for a solution online” the software freezes. In January 2008 I have tried several times to go onto Norton’s website and tried to chat with tech support, but in the 4 steps required to complete before chatting with tech support, my computer always gets stuck on step 3 (the chat softward does not download). I get stuck in an endless cycle of “The following software is requesting to downlad to your computer, allow or disallow.” I keep clicking on allow with hopes that it will eventually work. I have considered uninstalling and re-installing NOrtonSystem works 12.0 myself, HOWEVER, not to make this too complicated, but Norton SystemWorks Basic Edition 12.0 did not install correctly the first time because my copy of NortonSystemWorks 12.0 Basic was unable to uninstall Norton SystemWorks 11.0 (and that whole issue is what prompted my original contact with tech support in 12-2008, see above.). Fix my software or refund my money. This is ridiculous. There are no PHONE NUMBERS ANYWHERE to call anybody (unless of course I am willing to pay $10 or $70 to fix software that I spent $60 to buy). So that’s why I am posting on the discussion boards.