Norton SystemWorks

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

It could be that your previous Trialware left something behind when you uninstalled it.

There's a 'Norton removal tool' for just such a problem.


You run it after you uninstall the program in question, then reinstall.


Check for the articles on this in the support section of the site. They should at least give you an idea whether this tool can help you or not.

I did use the N.R.T. a few months' ago and have just re-installed the Trailware a few days' ago because I want to Trail Norton SystemWorks again because I am thinking of seriously buying this Product and, if I cannot Trail it again, then it will be un-likely that I will actually buy this Product.


When I did re-install N.SWB.E., it shows a Screen which gives me an option to Buy N.SW, or use a Product Key to Activate it.


Gawain wrote:

It could be that your previous Trialware left something behind when you uninstalled it.

There's a 'Norton removal tool' for just such a problem.


You run it after you uninstall the program in question, then reinstall.


Check for the articles on this in the support section of the site. They should at least give you an idea whether this tool can help you or not.

What you suggest is:

 01. Remove the N.SWB.E. Trailware from Add/Remove.

02. Use the N.R.T..

03. Should I re-install Norton Products.

Is this correct?


And I knew that the Previous Trailware had left something when this happened.

I would recommend always downloading a new version of NRT just before you use it. Norton update it both for new versions of the software it is intended to remove and to deal with unwanted situations that have been discovered in using it.

This link: Symantec Norton Removal Tool. will direct you to the current Symantec Norton Removal Tool.

huwyngr wrote:

I would recommend always downloading a new version of NRT just before you use it. Norton update it both for new versions of the software it is intended to remove and to deal with unwanted situations that have been discovered in using it.

This link: Symantec Norton Removal Tool. will direct you to the current Symantec Norton Removal Tool.


With regard to this: I always Download the N.R.T. via symantec's Web Site; I trust that the current s.N.R.T. will be there...

Floating_Red wrote:

huwyngr wrote:

I would recommend always downloading a new version of NRT just before you use it. Norton update it both for new versions of the software it is intended to remove and to deal with unwanted situations that have been discovered in using it.

This link: Symantec Norton Removal Tool. will direct you to the current Symantec Norton Removal Tool.


With regard to this: I always Download the N.R.T. via symantec's Web Site; I trust that the current s.N.R.T. will be there...


The link I gave is the one given by Tony Weiss of the Norton Staff and it does go to the Norton web site. But for all I know there may be other routes there to get NRT. I prefer to follow his recommendation.

So, do you suggest that I use the N.R.T. or un-install it from Add/Remove to try to solve this Issue? 


Or is there another way to Fix this that anyone can suggest?

Message Edited by Floating_Red on 08-06-2008 10:18 PM

Floating_Red wrote:

So, do you suggest that I use the N.R.T. or un-install it from Add/Remove to try to solve this Issue? 


Or is there another way to Fix this that anyone can suggest?

Message Edited by Floating_Red on 08-06-2008 10:18 PM


I was dealing purely with your reference to having used NRT several months ago.


The choice is yours. NRT is in principle intended for use if normal removal fails or leaves a problem so normally the first choice is to use Remove Programs or the Uninstall line that is usually in the Program menus for Norton applications (they both access the same uninstall procedure using information provided by Norton, not by Microsoft).


So you may care to try the normal uninstall followed by NRT but remember that NRT gives you no choices if you have other Norton applications installed -- including Ghost, Save & Restore etc.

Floating_Red wrote:
With regard to this: I always Download the N.R.T. via symantec's Web Site; I trust that the current s.N.R.T. will be there...

The link listed at is for the Symantec Norton Removal Tool. So the two different removal tools you list above are actually the same thing. I apologize for the confusion.

When you say you installed a different edition of NSWBE (Norton SystemWorks Basic Edition) do you mean a different version or a different copy?  If it's only a different copy, then that is as designed.  If we allowed customers to download trial, remove it, and then install a different copy of the same trial version then it would be free to anyone who wanted to constantly uninstall and reinstall the product. 


If it's a different version, then there would be something else occuring.  Running SymNRT will not address that. 


Could you clarify which scenario you are in?


erik_carlstrom wrote:

When you say you installed a different edition of NSWBE (Norton SystemWorks Basic Edition) do you mean a different version or a different copy?  If it's only a different copy, then that is as designed.  If we allowed customers to download trial, remove it, and then install a different copy of the same trial version then it would be free to anyone who wanted to constantly uninstall and reinstall the product. 


If it's a different version, then there would be something else occuring.  Running SymNRT will not address that. 


Could you clarify which scenario you are in?



I had previously installed Norton SystemWorks Standard Edition.

Message Edited by Floating_Red on 08-07-2008 07:23 PM

Just wanted to clarify. 


So, you downloaded and installed Norton SystemWorks Basic Edition 2008.  Had it installed.  Uninstalled it, and now you wish to reinstall and try it again?  If that's so, this is by design as you would have already had the product installed for the 15 day trial.  Did you not have the product installed for the full 15 days?



The Previous Edition of Norton SystemWorks was installed for a full fifteen days.


Surely I should be able to install Basic Edition since it is not exactly the same as Standard as it has some Features that are not in Basic.

erik_carlstrom wrote:

Just wanted to clarify. 


So, you downloaded and installed Norton SystemWorks Basic Edition 2008.  Had it installed.  Uninstalled it, and now you wish to reinstall and try it again?......


Erik -- PMJI but in his earlier reply he said he installed the NSW Standard Edition the first time and the Basic edition the second time.


In his first message he does not specify if the Standard edition was trial or not although he says the Basic was a trial version.


I would imagine both were trial versions and hence fit your WAD criterion but ......


FWIW <s>

Good catch.  I misread.  It would indeed fit in the WAD category.  NSW Standard has two installs.  One for NAV, and one for NSWBE.  So if it was the trial of Standard, he was actually installing the trial of Basic Edition as well.


I didn’t even know there were two versions of NSW until I started hanging out here!

huwyngr wrote:
I didn't even know there were two versions of NSW until I started hanging out here!


There are actually Three Versions: Basic, Standard and Premier.

Fancy that! <s>

Basic Edition

Standard Edition = Basic Edition + NAV

Premier Edition = Basic Edition + NAV + NSR





<< Premier Edition = Basic Edition + NAV + NSR >>


Sort of N360 without NIS? <g>